Page 185 - The British Big Four
P. 185

he Cienfuegos wreck now lies off the north tip of North around the main wreckage is a debris field composed of steel hull

T Eleuthera and is scattered in ten to 35 feet of water. Most of plates, deck winches and various other machinery. One of the most
her remains lie very flat which makes this wreck a testament to the intriguing aspects of this wreck is the impressive amount of fish

merciless strength and power of the sea. Divers will find her bow that now congregate around her hull. Desi Stephens, a local dive

sitting against a reef, her steam powered engine and boilers still operator, reports seeing schools of 50 to 100 gray angels, an amount

recognizable. A short distance away from the Cienfuegos lies the that is extremely unusual for this species. Other inhabitants include

Train Wreck.                                                              dozens of yellow stingrays, snappers, groupers and parrotfish. This

A rimoroa Wreck - This 260 foot Lebanese freighter is also known          drastic turn around of aquatic life has been studied by scientists
      as the Freighter Wreck, or the Egg Island Wreck. This steel hulled  from the University of Miami, the Rosenstiel School and the Florida
                                                                          Institute of Technology. They have so far counted over 60 species

vessel was run purposely aground in May of 1970. It is not known of fish. Some specialists say that it’s due to the organic qualities of

why, but a fire started in her galley, and spread with such speed her fertilizer cargo, but whatever the reason, the fish seen on this

and fury that her captain decided to save the crew by heading at site will certainly impress even the most seasoned Caribbean diver.

full steam toward the nearest visible land, Egg Island. At the time
of this unfortunate accident, the Arimoroa was carrying a cargo of
                                                                          an of War Wreck - The Man Of War wreck is the remains of two
Mfertilizer. All of her crew made it to land without injury. Today, the   unknown vessels. The first is said by many researchers to be

badly burnt rusting remains of the Arimoroa sit upright in 25 feet of one of Columbus’s ships. She sits on top of a coral reef only 200

water on a hard limestone bottom. All around the main wreckage yards east of the Cienfuegos wreck. The only thing still visible at this

is a debris field composed of steel hull plates, deck winches and site is a big pile of ballast stones. Depth at the site ranges from five

various other machinery. One of the most intriguing aspects of this to 30 feet, and visibility is usually excellent. The second wreck is a

wreck is the impressive amount of fish that now congregate around steel vessel, approximately 120 feet long. Her propeller, engine, and

her hull. Today, the badly burnt rusting remains of the Arimoroa sit some small pieces of brass are scattered outside the reef.

perfectly upright in 25 feet of water on a hard limestone bottom.

From a distance the Arimoroa looks like a ship at anchor, but on

closer inspection it is easy to see that she will never sail again. All
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