Page 190 - The British Big Four
P. 190

ea Garden - A popular shallow dive, consisting of a horseshoe busy from cup corals with banded coral shrimp, anemones and brit-

S shape coral reef. Elkhorn corals dominate the area. Fish abound tle stars.
with peacock flounder, southern stingray and yellow stingray, dam-
selfish, butterflyfish, angelfish and sea turtles. Great lighting for
                                                                        ridge Point - The area is the passageway in the Devil’s Back Bone
Bphotographers. Also a good snorkel site.                               for vessels. It is a cluster of coral heads leading to a small drop

                                                                        off. This a a great dive for beginner divers and the more advanced.
      urrent Cut - The famous high speed drift dive lies in the chan-
                                                                        rouper Hole - This is one of the most outstanding dive sites in
C nel between Current Island and the main island of Eleuthera.          the North Eleuthera area for sheer density & diversity of ma-
GDuring tidal exchanges the channel produces currents from 7 to 9
knots. On this exhilarating dive you’ll often be propelled through rine life. Huge overhangs & grottos covered in hard & soft corals

the water passing other visitors to the area, such as sharks, eagle all in pristine condition. It’s the only real protection for schools of

rays, large schools of horse-eye jacks. Divers can have the opportu- fish in the area. As a result the site is packed with big schools of

nity of completing this roller coaster ride 3 times.                    bermuda chub, bar jacks, as well as occasional reef, nurse, & bull

C istern Rock - This is a popular shallow area ideal for Bubblemak-     sharks. The site is often subject to strong currents. From December
      er students (8-10yrs discover scuba course) or any snorkeler. It  to April, around the full moon large numbers of grouper spawn in
                                                                        the area, attracting sharks.

consists of a quarter moon shape coral rock formation above and         T arpon Hole - A new and exciting big-animal encounter has been
below the water. Inside the bay this area is home for many Carib-            added to list of dives at Valentines Dive Center. At the mouth of
bean juvenile fish such as parrotfish, angelfish, and grouper. Sea

turtles are often seen in the area eating the sea grass.                an underwater cave swim 6-8 foot tarpon. The giant rock structures

P ink Mouse Reef - This site offers shelter to large and small fish,    make a great background for interesting underwater shots. You may
      so explore the holes in the reef and you never know what you      also encounter sea turtles, sharks, and a variety of reef fish.

may find. It has plenty of life to keep the macro photographers
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