Page 193 - The British Big Four
P. 193
San Savador Island Scuba Diving
S an Salvador may be best known as the purported site of Chris- swim with visiting divers. Those days are long gone, but San Sal-
topher Columbus’s first landfall in the New World, but for a vador remains a significant dive destination, blessed with some of
short while in the 1980s, the island was known for being the epi- the clearest water seen in an ocean anywhere, amazing stretches
center of recreational diving. This is when Skin Diver publisher Paul of pristine white sand beach dotting the shoreline, and walls that
Tzimoulis ran photo classes here, and a lone dolphin named Sandy start in 40 feet of water and boast rich corals, huge sponges and
decided to take up residence for no apparent reason other than to seasonal sightings of hammerheads.