Page 198 - The British Big Four
P. 198
elephone Pole - depth under the boat is 35 to 40 feet of open ouble Caves - At the southern end of the island so also one of
the longer boat rides from the resort - about 25 minutes or
T Dsand flats. The wall is behind the boat running parallel to shore.
The coral strip on the edge of the wall varies from 40 to 100 feet so. The caves/tunnels start out at about 50 feet and you emerge at
in width. A large crevice runs through the face of the wall starting about 100 feet, depending on which tunnel you go through. You
in 35 feet in the sand flat and dropping to 100 feet at the bottom can swim up or down the tunnels.
of the cut out on the edge of the wall. At one time there was a tel-
ephone pole wedged over the crevice in the sandy entrance to the
unway 10 - The depth under the boat is forty feet with the boat
Rcut. It has been broken in half by storm surge and flushed down into hanging near the edge of the wall. The edge of the drop off has
the chute. The reef remains a sheer wall for about 200 feet north numerous large coral heads and varies from forty to sixty feet before
where it breaks up into a series of coral heads and a sand slope. Go- dropping sharply to 100. A sloping ledge rolls down to 200 before
ing south it remains a straight wall up to the next dive site grouper becoming a vertical wall again. Schools of grunts hover around the
gully. Big southern stingrays, grouper, snappers, sea turtles and top of the reef. There are several large sand patches towards shore
triggerfish are common here. Several schools of goatfish hover over and these may have queen conch, yellowhead jawfish, sand tilefish,
the edge of the reef. A huge purple gorgonian marks the northern yellow stingrays, groupers and mutton snappers. Hammerheads are
edge of the telephone pole cut and has been often photographed occasionally spotted swimming parallel to the wall above the deep
for magazine articles since 1974. How to dive it: Swim over to the ledge. At night there are frequent sightings of basket starfish, octo-
cut and follow through it and out over the wall. Head north along pus, crabs, pufferfish, spiny lobsters and nudibranchs. Diving plan
the wall and follow it until it breaks up to coral heads. Return along should be to cover a 200 foot section in each direction along the
the edge of the sand flats past the boat and follow the wall south wall. If you have time at depth the wall face from 60 to 100 feet is
about 200 feet. Turn around and follow the edge of the reef back to excellent for elephant ear sponges, and plentiful sponge and coral
the boat. encrustations.