Page 201 - The British Big Four
P. 201
R RI Wall - The depth under the boat is forty feet with the back of noids, nudibranchs, neck crabs and wire coral shrimps are found on
the boat trailing over the wall. The drop off here is very dramatic the lip of the wall. How to dive it: Swim along the edge of the wall for
and forms a straight cliff down to 100 feet. The edge of the wall var- 250 feet in both directions and check out the action where the reef
ies from 40 to 50 feet. There is a sloping plateau that drifts from 100 meets the sand. Go into some of the caves and gullies if you have
to 160 feet before becoming vertical to land. The top of the wall is the time at depth.
fairly flat with some excellent macro subjects along the edge. One of V ickey’s Reef - depth under the boat is 35 to 40 feet to the sand.
the few sites that to see fingerprint cyphomas. How to dive it:: cover The reef is a strip of coral 50 to 120 feet wide. The wall drops
a rectangular area along the wall in both directions and also 100 feet
in from the wall. The deeper wall from 60 down has some beautiful vertically from 40 feet to 110 and forms a narrow plateau that rolls
growth and a few large coral heads in 120 feet of water. down to 140 feet before dropping straight again. The wall face has
G rouper Gulley - The depth under the boat is 35 to 40 feet in the lots of black coral trees, encrusted sponges and small creatures like
sand. The wall is behind the boat parallel to shore. A beautiful bluebell tunicates. This dive site is also a continuous reef monitoring
project of the local field station and there are several colored mak-
coral head at the edge of the reef marks the middle of the dive site. ers spread around the top of the wall. The name stems from a diving
It always has a big school of blue chromis hovering above. There are guest named Vicky who lost a watch on the dive. It was recovered
several gullies to swim through along the wall. Two of them are right several weeks later hanging on a coral along the wall. Stingrays, sea
in the middle of the dive site. The wall makes a big curve with a deep turtles, groupers and mutton snappers are commonly seen. How to
plateau that the gullies lead to. At the north end of the curve the dive it: Swim along the lip of the wall in both directions about 200
wall runs as a straight cliff up to telephone pole. To the south it has feet. Do the return swims where the sand meets the reef to make a
several ledges and rolls gradually down to 120 feet. There are plenty rectangular pattern. Descend along the edge of the wall is bottom
of schooling goatfish and snappers in the middle reef area. This is a time permits.
great reef for fish, small creatures and big coral formations. Sharks,
barracudas, stingrays and sea turtles are often seen. Swimming cri-