Page 463 - The British Big Four
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                                         A competitive and exciting 10K run and walk, plus half
                                         and full marathons, are all part of the this 3-day, 36-year
                                         old international event.


    Throughout the month of              PGA GRAND SLAM OF GOLF                                       coUrTESy Pga granD SlaM
February, enjoy a series of exciting
activities and events that will          OCTOBER
transform our beautiful shores into a    Golf’s most exclusive event will return to the Port Royal
paradise where you can relax,            Golf Course in Bermuda for the PGA Grand Slam of
reconnect and celebrate love. Create     Golf. The successes of the PGA Grand Slam of Golf
unforgettable memories and rekindle      these past six years have made the return trip a natural
the spirit of togetherness during our    and exciting selection.
Island’s celebration of love.
                                         WORLD RUGBY CLASSIC
        summer events                    NOVEMBER
                                         The Classic features a week of international
                                         competition between former top players representing
                                         eleven countries including a women’s international
                                         between the British Isles and the U.S.A. Exciting and
                                         fast paced matches, dancing at the end of each match
                                         day and local cuisine on the grounds makes for a
                                         festive and fun week.


    Lots to see and do from April to     BERMUDA GOODWILL GOLF                                        coUrTESy TUckEr’S PoinT golF clUb
October. Enjoy the many FREE             TOURNAMENT
historical and cultural activities from
May through October designed to          DECEMBER
enhance your adventures around our       This four-day tournament takes place at the Mid
beautiful Island.                        Ocean Club, Tucker’s Point Golf Club, Port Royal Golf
                                         Course and Riddell’s Bay Golf & Country Club. Rounds                          are played by both professionals and amateurs and
                                         spectators are invited free of charge.


                                         For more information on arts and entertainment, please visit                      PorT royal golF coUrSE
                                         what-to-do/ and select your choice of topics under Events.

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