Page 467 - The British Big Four
P. 467

BLuSHING                                                                                                      WEST WHALE BAY BEACH                                      SHELLY BAY
                                                                                                                           SOUTH SHORE, SOUTHAMPTON                                  NORTH SHORE, HAMILTON PARISH
             warwick long bay  NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST Bermuda’s countless                                                West Whale Bay Beach has a fitting name because in         You will discover calm waters and soft pink sand at
                                                                                                                           April you may see humpback whales migrating north         this attractive beach. Trees line the beach o ering
                               beaches dot the coast line, the sands varying in colour form                                to their summer feeding grounds. The large grassy area    shelter from the sun. The water is very shallow, even at
                               soft white to blushing pink. Many of them, particularly on the                              behind the beach is an ideal spot to enjoy a stunning     high tide, making it perfect for children. A refurbished
                               South Shore, allow easy access to the reef line, making them                                ocean sunset. Locals frequently use West Whale Bay        children’s playground makes Shelly Bay an ideal spot
                               ideal for scuba diving and snorkelling since the reef is home                               for shore fishing.                                         for a full day of activities near the water.
                               to a myriad of colourful fish. Beaches range from tiny, pictur-
cHaPlin bay  HorSESHoE bay     esque coves, ideal for young or inexperienced swimmers and                                  CHURCH BAY                                                CLEARWATER BEACH
                               for romantic moonlight picnics, to long stretches of creamy                                                                                           & TURTLE BAY
                               pink sands framed by dramatic formations of limestone rock.                                 SOUTH SHORE, SOUTHAMPTON
                               The ocean’s colours are a profusion of contrasts and a continual                            Church Bay arguably o ers the best snorkelling            ST. DAVID’S ISLAND, ST. GEORGE’S
                               challenge to artists longing to capture the constant play of light                          experience since a large variety of fish can be seen in    The spaciousness of these two sandy beaches are
                               and shadow. On bright, sunny days you’ll see the ocean’s em-                                and around the boiler reefs.                              ideal for families and parties. The 36-acre public
                               eralds and turquoises, sapphires and diamonds, but in the half                                                                                        park features nature trails, playground equipment
                               light of early morning you’ll see soft shimmering silk meeting                              HORSESHOE BAY                                             and views of some outer islands reserved for wildlife.
                               the horizon in a shroud of mist. And from February to October                                                                                         A beach house, open during the summer months,
                               watch out for beautiful longtail birds swooping in and out of the                           SOUTH SHORE, SOUTHAMPTON                                  provides additional convenience.
                               coastline’s cli s.                                                                          Once you set foot on Horseshoe Bay you will realize
                                                                                                                           why it is our most celebrated beach. The long,            TOBACCO BAY
                               Spend a day at the beach and you’ll be joining the locals in                                sweeping crescent of pink sand makes it a popular
                               one of their most loved activities. Traditionally, they start their                         choice any time of year. During the summer months,        ST. GEORGE’S
                               swimming season on the May 24 public holiday. But during                                    lifeguards patrol and the nearby Beach House o ers        Perfect for families and inexperienced swimmers
                               the cooler months of November through April the water is                                    snacks, rentals and changing facilities.                  because of its shallow waters, this beach is also
                               still temperate.                                                                                                                                      excellent for snorkelling. Sergeant majors, blue angels,
                                                                                                                           JOBSON’S COVE                                             four-eyed butterfly fish and wrasse glide around
                               HOW TO GET THERE                                                                                                                                      the rocks surrounding the bay. During the summer
                                                                                                                           SOUTH SHORE, WARWICK                                      months, the Beach House o ers snacks, rentals and
                               You can hire a motor scooter, take a taxi, ferry or the bus since                           Jobson’s Cove may be tiny, but this sheltered cove,       changing facilities.
                               many bus stops are near the beaches. The bus and ferry sched-                               surrounded by steep, jagged rocks, is arguably one
                               ules are available island wide, and they are also found in the                              of the most visually stunning beaches on our island.              SaNd & Surf
                               telephone directory.                                                                        Take a moment to listen to the waves lap at the                             blushing beaches
                                                                                                                           pink sand and put your feet in the calm, stunningly
                               SAFETY TIPS                                                                                 clear waters.

             J obSon’S coVE    Some of the South Shore beaches are occasionally subject to                                 WARWICK LONG BAY                                              Six hundred and fifty miles
                               rip tides. Should you be caught in one, do not try to cross it.                                                                                       from the nearest landfall,
                               Instead, let the current carry you and swim parallel to the shore                           SOUTH SHORE, WARWICK                                      encircled by protective coral
                               so that you can catch the waves that will take you back to the                              Warwick Long Bay boasts an .8km / .5 mile stretch         reefs, with miles of soft pink
                               shore. Watch out for beach flags. A white one means a lifeguard                              of sand against a backdrop of scrubland and coastal       sandy beaches, Bermuda
                               is on duty. A red one means the currents are too dangerous for                              grasses. Just o shore, a jagged coral island floats        offers endless opportunities
                               safe swimming. A yellow one warns of the need for caution in                                above the water. There are also public restrooms here.    for swimming, serene sun
                               heavy surf.                                                                                                                                           bathing and anything on, in
                                                                                                                           JOHN SMITH’S BAY                                          and under the water. You are
                               Do not swim alone, especially on the South Shore beaches.                                                                                             never far from the ocean’s edge and will never feel
                                                                                                                           SOUTH SHORE, SMITH’S PARISH                               crowded, in fact you may find that you have ‘your’
                                                                                                                           This superb beach is long, flat and boasts the pale pink   beach to yourself.
                                                                                                                           sand that makes our South Shore so famous. During
                                                                                                                           the summer months, lifeguards patrol the shore and
                                                                                                                           soft drinks and snacks are often available for purchase.
                                                                                                                           There are public toilets on site.

                               ETIQUETTE No nude swimming or sunbathing is allowed on any of             For further information on beaches and nature trails contact:               Mailing address:         Street address:
                               Bermuda’s public beaches. For an up-to-date listing of our pink sand                                                                                  P.O. BOX HM 20           BOTANICAL GARDENS
                               beaches, please visit      DEPARTMENT OF PARKS                                                         HAMILTON HM AX, BERMUDA  169 SOUTH ROAD
                                                                                                                                                                                                              PAGET DV 04, BERMUDA
                                                                                                         Tel 441 236 5902 Fax 441 236 3711 Web

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