Page 474 - The British Big Four
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co ee shops and even many sit-down              All of the above operate during normal         Indian food—an especially popular                 Princess o ers a substantial brunch            workday, has a DJ and dancing at its        extra mile to put ambience on the menu
restaurants. And, the City of Hamilton’s        business hours but down by the ferry           choice with expat Britons—can be found            at its Harley’s restaurant. Fairmont           popular happy hour, which actually lasts    alongside fine food. A few eating places
supermarkets all have salad bars that           dock Smokin’ Barrel, which specializes         at Indigo in Flatts Village and in North          Southampton’s Windows on the Sound             until midnight.                             also o er unique environments and are
cater to the busy workers who help keep         in saucy grilled meats, also re-opens for      Hamilton at House of India where a variety        also serves brunch on Sunday.                                                              also worth exploring.
Bermuda thriving.                               evening convenience…on weekdays until          of vegetarian options are available. Middle                                                      The harbour-side terrace of Fairmont’s
                                                10:00 p.m. and Fridays and Saturday            Eastern food and exotic ambience flavour           West of the City of Hamilton, Fourways Inn     Hamilton Princess hotel, an early venue     At the beach, there’s Mickey’s Beach Bar
Among supermarkets, Miles to Go draws           until 1:00 a.m.                                Front Street’s Café Cairo, which serves           and Henry VIII have long been known for        for a social trend that has exploded,       & Bistro situated right on fabulous Elbow
on the estimable reputation of its parent,                                                     Moroccan tagines, kebabs and other                their sumptuous bu et brunches. Among          continues to be a popular happy hour        Beach and The Reef’s Coconuts where
Miles Market at The Waterfront, to make         INTERNATONAL CUISINE                           exotic favourites until the wee hours of          the eastern parishes, Grotto Bay Beach         spot. Nearby, at the terrace and cocktail   food and drink are served almost literally
take-out a treat for discerning palates. In                                                    the morning.                                      Resort and Landfall Restaurant draw the        lounge of Harry’s Bar and Restaurant,       on the rocks.
fact, if you intend to return for one of their  The numerous nationalities now residing                                                          crowds. The latter restaurant serves local     Martini Madness and a bar food menu
delectable sweets or gourmet co ees,            in Bermuda have led to an exciting—and         FAMILY FRIENDLY                                   favourites and impressive views of the         is on o er from 5:00 p.m to 10:00           At the eastern end of the Island,
you can eat your take-out at one of the         very welcome—diversity in Bermudian            AND FAMILY FARE                                   North Shore marine scene.                      p.m. Meanwhile, Port O’ Call on Front       Blackbeard’s Hide Out overlooks Achilles
outdoor tables.                                 restaurants and even in Bermudian                                                                                                               Street beckons a corporate crowd to its     Bay and is next to Gates Bay, where
                                                supermarkets. Portuguese influence is so        Children are welcome everywhere and               For brunch with a twist, try the Jazz          happy hour.                                 the Island’s first visitors arrived o the
Lemon Tree Café, conveniently located           ingrained that it can’t truly be classified as  many restaurants in Bermuda will make             Brunch at Bermuda’s pronouncedly                                                           shipwrecked Sea Venture—not quite a
on Queen Street a few steps up from             international. Few Bermudian kitchens are      every e ort to cater to their palates. Even       French restaurant, Beau Rivage at              On the opposite side of Hamilton Harbour,   cruise ship. Near the Island’s western end,
Front Street, has substantive, made-to-         without a version of Portuguese red bean       so, Bermudian children—who, of course,            Newstead Belmont Hills.                        Beau Rivage at Newstead Belmont Hills       The Dining Room at Gibbs Hill Lighthouse,
order sandwiches and has won Best-of-           soup spiked with spicy chorizo. However,       are always well behaved—have their                                                               o ers happy hour and great views of a lit-  Southampton can boast that it is the only
Bermuda in the Deli Take Out category.          Café Acoreano, opposite the bus terminal,      favourites. On the weekends especially,           AFTERNOON TEA                                  up the City of Hamilton from its terrace.   restaurant in proximity to sweeping,
You can take your food to the outside           honors the heritage with traditional           children of all ages gather for pizza at                                                         For convenience and safety, it also o ers   panoramic views of the entire island.
patio or go a few more steps into lush          breads, cakes and that ethereal donut,         La Trattoria Restaurant and Pizzeria in           After all, we are a British colony! Have       a water shuttle from Hamilton on the half
Queen Elizabeth Park.                           the malassada.                                 Washington Lane or at Portofino’s on               a sweet—and savoury—time at either of          hour between 5 :00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.      There are a couple of other eating
                                                                                               Bermudiana Road. No doubt recently                the Fairmont hotels. Full afternoon teas                                                   places that also o er ambience that
At lunchtime, strategically located mobile      Italian restaurants in all price ranges        opened Azu Beastro at the Bermuda                 are served in the Fairmont’s Heritage          At the Harbourfront a reasonably priced     is quite unique. For a quick bite while
wagons have been providing stand-up             are threaded throughout the Island             Aquarium, Museum & Zoo in Flatts Village          Court in Hamilton and Jasmine Lounge in        sushi happy hour is o ered Monday           you contemplate both art and nature,
service for years—long before the current       and feature the food of various Italian        is destined to be added to the list of            Southampton.                                   through Friday from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00       consider Homer’s Café at Masterworks in
fad for truck food. The oldest is DeGra ’s      regions, from north to south. Sul Verde        family favourites.                                                                               p.m. Sushi is also the theme of happy       the Botanical Gardens. The café is named
Lunch Counter at the North Corner of            at Rosewood Tucker’s Point is the                                                                Fittingly, at the Royal Naval Dockyard in      hour at Blû Bar and Grill where sparkling   after famed American artist Winslow
City Hall parking lot. If you happen to         newest addition to the family of Italian       For reasonable prices and the everyday            the Island’s western end, The Dockyard         nighttime views of the Great Sound          Homer who visited Bermuda in 1899 and
note the 1939 date on the ‘wagon’, Mr.          restaurants. Appropriately enough, given       choices that children love, try The               Pastry Shop o ers an authentic English         are free.                                   is represented in the gallery’s collection.
DeGra might tell you that he inherited          its location in the golf clubhouse, Sul        Paraquet near Elbow Beach in Paget                tea complete with scones and clotted                                                       At Azu Beastro in the Bermuda Aquarium,
the business from his father, who, before       Verde is an osteria starring rustic Italian    or Speciality Inn on South Road in                cream. In St. George’s, the eastern end’s      Most restaurants in Bermuda stop serving    Museum & Zoo you can’t feed the animals
cars, operated it from a horse-and-buggy.       fare—including an antipasti bu et—that         Smith’s Parish.                                   World Heritage site, Sweet P’s full tea is an  food by 10:00 p.m. or 11 :00 p.m. However,  but you can certainly hear and see them
Order a fishcake-on-a-bun—a house                will please the whole family.                                                                    elegant a air o ered in the garden of the      there are a few good options conveniently   as you take a break between exhibits.
specialty—and Mr. DeGra might also tell                                                        SUNDAY BRUNCH                                     Bermuda Perfumery, a listed eighteenth         located along Front Street On Fridays
you about the changing taste in toppings        Sushi is currently the rage in Bermuda                                                           century house. Call to reserve.                and Saturdays, mobile Smokin’ Barrel        So, enjoy your visit to Bermuda and
for this Bermudian favourite.                   and can be found in the gamut of eating        The numerous establishments o ering                                                              is open until 1:00 a.m. The always lively   Bon Appetit!
                                                establishments from the upscale to the         Sunday brunch confirm Bermudians’ love             AFTER WORK                                     Bermuda Bistro at the Beach—actually
At the South Corner of City Hall parking        modest—and, in fact, even at Hamilton’s        of this leisurely feast at which diners make      AND AFTER HOURS                                Front Street—is open seven days a week      For an up-to-date listing of
lot, at the Little Mexico wagon, the            Marketplace Supermarket! Extensive sushi       their own selections from a tempting                                                             and serves drinks until 3:00 a.m. and food  our restaurants, please visit
Mexican-born wife of a Bermudian o ers          selections are available amidst elegant        bu et or order from a specially designed          Come five o’clock on Friday afternoon           until midnight. Café Cairo, which attracts
meat, fish or vegetarian burritos, flautas,       décor and surroundings at Blû Bar and          brunch menu. Prices vary so it’s best to          the workweek finishes and weekend               a young crowd, is open and serving food     what-to-do/dining-explorer/
tacos and more with the authentic style         Grill at Belmont Hills, the Harbourfront       check ahead. Visitors wishing to share            socialising begins. Many restaurants,          until 3:00 a.m. every day but Sunday.
of her culture. In Queen Elizabeth Park,        Restaurant and L’Oriental above Little         the brunch experience should be aware             pubs and bars celebrate with specifically
Winky Dinky Hot Dog specialises in this         Venice on Bermudiana Road, Hamilton.           that on special occasions—Mother’s Day,           designated Happy Hours. The following is       AMBIENCE
favourite staple and knocks it out of           In addition to sushi, the latter restaurant    Father’s Day and holidays—tables sell             but a sample of the establishments that
the park.                                       serves Chinese food, including dimsum.         quickly and should be booked in advance.          attract a faithful clientele which shows up    Bermudians feel fortunate to have a
                                                                                               In the City of Hamilton, Bouchee on Pitt’s        after work in search of friends, light fare    beautiful built and natural environment
                                                Classic French cuisine in a classy             Bay Road, near the Hamilton Fairmont              and a sip or two.                              surrounding them on a daily basis,
                                                Bermudian setting is the star at Beau          Princess, o ers a reasonably priced                                                              and year round. However, numerous
                                                Rivage at Newstead Belmont Hills.              breakfast every day and brunch—from a             The Lemon Tree Café, a casual locale           restaurants—some already cited—go the
                                                                                               select menu—all weekend. The Fairmont             known for its sandwiches during the

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