Page 500 - The British Big Four
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ccording to the Trust, only about 150    a perfect setting for relaxing and enjoying     and special events.
                                               the tropical scenery of the Cayman Islands.”
A mature Blue Iguanas remain in the            Located on Frank Sound Road in the district     T he National Museum in George Town is
                                               of North Side, the 65-acre Botanic Park is           both a natural history as well as cultural
wild, found only in the dense interior of the  about a 45-minute drive from George Town,       history museum. It is one of more educa-
eastern district of Grand Cayman. Although     opens daily at 9:00 a.m. and closes prompt-     tional of the Grand Cayman attractions that
this special research area is not open to      ly at 5:30 p.m. Visitors are advised to enter   you can visit on your Caribbean vacation
visitors, the Park’s Blue Iguana Habitat       the park by 4:30 p.m. Admission fees are        to Cayman. The natural history portion of
remains a popular attraction. The display      USI$6.00 for adults; $3.00 for children ages    the museum displays fantastic birds and
enclosure was funded by the World Wide         six to 12 and free for children under six.      fauna that are native to the Cayman Islands.
Fund for Nature/ UK and was completed in                                                       In addition, the cultural history half of the
time for the official opening in February      M USEUMS - Among the list of popu-              site demonstrates the lush heritage of the
1994. The habitat provides a natural home              lar Cayman Island attractions is the    Caymanian people.
for an adult male blue iguana which can be     Cayman Motor Museum. This engaging site
seen by visitors. The best time to see the     located on North West Point Road near the       T he Mission House in Bodden Town pro-
rare animal is mid-morning on sunny days,      Cayman Turtle Farm. Stemming from the                vides visitors with the opportunity to
between 8:30 and 10:30 a.m.                    vision of businessman Andreas Ugland, this      see what life was like for the early settlers
                                               local showroom gone public boasts an im-        of the Cayman Islands. The house was used
T he Botanic Park is wonderful Cayman          pressive collection of exotic, rare, and clas-  as a home by families, teachers and mis-
      attraction for the whole family, and an  sic motorcars and motorbikes. This unique       sionaries in the 1700’s.
important example of the Cayman Islands’       Cayman attraction also houses a collection
commitment to the preservation of our          of magnificent paintings, never-before-         T he National Gallery of the Cayman Is-
terrestrial environment. The new additions     seen photographs, and local artifacts. Be            lands hosts art from local artists as well
to the Park will provide both residents and    sure to stop by the gift shop for souvenirs     as Cuban and Jamaican artists. Admittance
visitors with the opportunity to enjoy and     to remember your visit. The Cayman Motor        is free. The Gallery is open Monday-Friday
better understand this country’s diverse       Museum is available for private functions       10 am-5 pm and Saturdays 10 am-3 pm.
flora and fauna, which have played an
important role in Caymanian culture,” said
Minister Jefferson: “The Botanic Park offers
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