Page 496 - The British Big Four
P. 496

C AYMAN BRACS’ CAVES                           possible by the tremendous efforts of the Silky Chickens and many more. Most of the
I t’s well worth the trip to Cayman Brac
                                               National Trust. It passes through an assort- animals have been rescued.
   if you want to see amazing caves on a
tour of the island’s many Heritage Attrac-     ment of habitats, including Black Mangrove      N ature Walks - through local and tropi-
                                               wetland, Royal and Silver Thatch palms,                cal plants and trees.
                                               abandoned agricultural land, “The Moun-

tion sites. Peter’s Cave offers a spectacular  tain” which is the highest point above sea      P irate’s Caves - Stairs take you down one
view overlooking the South Side bluffs.        level in Grand Cayman at 60 feet, and an              story to a lit cave two hundred meters
The Great Cave is an amazing formation         ancient, dry woodland. The Wild Banana

of stalagmites and stalactites near the old Orchid can be seen in full bloom on the trail in length. Featuring “flowstone” depos-

Lighthouse out by the bluffs. The Bat’s        in June. Guided walks take about two and a its formed by running water. The caves

Cave, which is a well-lit, large cave where half to three hours. For additional informa- are now affected by dripping and seep-

you may see some small bats “hanging out” tion call 345-949-1996 or visit Trust House, age causing the formation of Stalactites.

in plain view. Over the past 200 years the George Town.                                        These deposits have a great variety of form

residents of Cayman Brac have sought shel-     P IRATES’ CAVE                                  especially colors depending on pigments
ter in these caves through some rare but       L ocated in Historic Bodden Town, visit         such as iron, copper and manganese carried
severe storms that have crossed the islands.                                                   as trace elements in the water. There are
The caves also serve as home to a unique            the 2 1/2 acre park with self guided toue  advanced areas to explore and flashlights
group of plant and animal inhabitants in-                                                      are provided to the treasure seekers or

cluding small bats that feed on the insects. of a mature walk, the                             those looking to observe the fruit bats. The

M ASTIC TRAIL                                  B odden Town Zoo - Indigenous animals           self-guided tour lasts between 20 minutes
T he mastic trail, so-named for it’s                 to the Cayman Islands and Caribbean.      to an hour.
                                               Cayman Parrots, Agouti, Green Iguanas,
      specimens of the giant Mastic Tree, is   Hickatee Turtles, Fresh Water Stingrays,

a two mile long botanical excursion made Conures, Mountain Goats, Pigs, Chinese
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