Page 491 - The British Big Four
P. 491
irthplace of Democracy - But its great- completed in January 1998, a historically obtained from St. Kitts and other Caribbean
accurate restoration of the original plan- countries. Rooms are accurate in detail
B est historic significance was not even tation great house, representative of the down to walls painted with lime wash the
period between 1820 and 1840. The three- colour of oxblood; candle sconces and brass
publicly known until this decade. Pedro St. level design with wide verandas was based door fastenings. A bake oven and outdoor
James was the site of a historic meeting of on archival and architectural research about kitchen on the building’s northwest side are
residents which took place on 5 December, that era of Caribbean history, as well as recreations of the original great house es-
1831 during which it was resolved that the materials used in the original structure tate. More recent additions include an early
representatives should be appointed for the itself. This provided enough evidence for an 20th century Caymanian-style cottage and
five different districts for the purpose of accurate idea of what Eden’s original manor Steadman Bodden house, a restored tradi-
forming local laws for better Government. looked like. Every detail reflects authentic tional 100-year-old Caymanian wattle and
The elections took place on 10 Decem- building techniques of early 19th century daub home. Both were relocated to the site
ber in the five districts on Grand Cayman Caribbean great houses - from rough hewn to enhance its educational heritage value.
and on 31 December they met as the first timber beams and wooden pegs to replac-
Legislative Assembly for the first time in ing the false upper level crenulations with O ne of the most beautiful Caribbean
George Town. It considered the birthplace a gabled framework. Other period features attractions, Pedro St. James is already
of democracy in the Cayman Islands. This include mahogany floors and staircases, a popular venue for weddings and social
is the equivalent to Independence Hall wide beam wooden ceilings; stone walls, events. The grounds have been landscaped
in the United States. In addition, another outside wooden louvered shutters and as a magnificent natural tropical park with
historic event took place here in May 1835, mahogany doors. The first floor houses native trees and plants, as well as tradi-
when the proclamation declaring the the jail, store rooms, kitchen and pantry. tional medicinal and vegetable gardens
emancipation of all slaves throughout the The second level is a dining room, court- representative of a small early 19th century
colonies was read at Pedro St. James and at room and veranda and the upper level West Indian plantation.
a number of other prominent places in the contains the living quarters. Furnishings
Cayman Islands. are a combination of original 19th century
mahogany antiques and reproductions
H istorically Accurate Restoration - The
new Pedro St. James great house was