Page 488 - The British Big Four
P. 488

P EDRO ST. JAMES                             are free. For more information, visit www.         arly History - The project began with
A t the end of a quiet, mango and ma-
                                                                                           E two years of archaeological research
       hogany tree-shaded road in Savannah,  B ehind a traditional coral stone wall rises
Grand Cayman, high atop a limestone bluff,         an authentic, three-storey early 19th   and simultaneous searches in archives
                                                                                           in Jamaica, Scotland, England and Spain.
                                                                                           Together, these efforts unearthed historic

lies one of the Caribbean’s most spectacular century great house and outbuildings, with facts far more interesting than romantic

historic restorations, the Pedro St. James   traditional “grounds” planted with pine-      fiction. In 1780, William Eden, a mariner and

Historic Site. After seven years and a $7.5 apple, banana and other provisions. The        early English settler, established a cotton

million transformation, the Cayman Islands adjacent acres are covered with luxuriant and mahogany plantation on Savannah’s

government has created the country’s         tropical plants, palm-lined walkways and a Pedro bluff with its spectacular view of the

most ambitious heritage attraction to date splendid manicured Great Lawn sprawling- Caribbean and convenient anchorage for

and its first national landmark. One of the view of the Caribbean. At the main entrance ships right offshore. His great house, called

most beautiful locations in the Cayman       is the Visitors Centre featuring a state of the St. James, was built with slave labour using

Islands, Pedro St. James is already a popu- art multimedia theatre where visitors ex-      native quarried stone. It was a remarkable

lar venue for weddings and social events. perience 200 years of Cayman history in 20 building for that period, when the popula-

The grounds have been landscaped as a        minutes. Today, it is a site whose grandeur tion of Grand Cayman was only 400--of

magnificent natural tropical park with na- is befitting of its importance as the Birth- which 200 were slaves. It was the only

tive trees and plants, as well as traditional place of Democracy in the Cayman Islands. house on Grand Cayman that survived the

medicinal and vegetable gardens repre-       Formerly known as Pedro Castle, this is the devastating hurricane of 1785. The original

sentative of a small early 19th century West oldest known existing stone structure in      ruins beneath the “castle” are the oldest

Indian plantation. Pedro St. James Historic the Cayman Islands. The original building structure in the Cayman Islands. By 1823

Site is located in Savannah, Grand Cayman is believed to have been built of quarried the house and grounds were being used as

and is open 8:30-5:00 daily. The multi-      native rock around 1780 as a great house by a courthouse, jail and public pound.

media historic show starts on the hour from William Eden, a mariner, plantation owner

10:00am to 4:00pm. Admission is US$10.00. and early settler.

Children under 12 accompanied by an adult
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