Page 486 - The British Big Four
P. 486

ood Festival – Enjoy a colorful array     surrounded by tropical flora and fauna,        year. Families just love it. It’s the only event
                                               charming homes flawlessly landscaped and       of its kind in the Caribbean region. The fes-
F of cuisine with over 20 local vendors,       magnificent views of the sea. The Cayman       tival then continues all week with parades,
                                               Islands Marathon takes place on the first      costume contests, music, street dancing,
alongside some of Cayman’s premiere res-       Sunday in December every year. The 2014        competitions, Heritage Days and fireworks.
taurants, dishing up traditional island fare.  event will take place on Sunday, 7 Decem-
Albert Panton Street and Cardinall Avenue,     ber. The event consists of a full marathon,    I n 2014, Pirates Week runs from November
George Town, 12 noon.                          half marathon, 4-person relay and a Kids          6th to 16th. The Sister Islands celebrate
                                               Fun Run.                                       either side of those dates. Over the last 34
C ayman Islands Triathlon ~ November 2                                                        years it has become the country’s largest
                                               P irates Week – November 6 to November         celebration, drawing some 35,000 patrons.
C ould there be a better place for Triath-           16                                       It now encompasses 32 different events
       lon than the Cayman Islands? Dive into                                                 which in the past have included eight street
the crystal clear waters of the Caribbean      F estivities include the float parade, card-   dances, five heritage days, a float parade
sea, and then come ashore onto the world            board boat race, sea swims, 5K walks/     and landing pageant, firework shows, song
famous Seven Mile Beach to take in the         runs, turtle releases and so much more.        contest, two swim meets, a darts tourna-
sights and sounds as you cycle and run the     Celebrate 36 years of heritage and culture.    ment, a steelband competition, kids fun
roads of our island paradise. This is one of   The Cayman Islands hosts an annual Pirates     day, two teen music nights, an underwater
Cayman’s premier annual sporting events        Week Festival, complete with a mock-pirate     treasure hunt and two running races. For
always attracting a strong field of local and  ‘invasion’ from the sea! Two old-time sailing  more information contact the National
international competitors.                     vessels, loaded with pirates make a sur-       Festival office on (345) 949 5859 or visit
                                               prise landing at the bowl-shaped George for complete
C ayman Islands Marathon ~ December 7          Town harbour with the pirates capturing        festival information.
S ure, you could run just about anywhere       the Governor. Thousands of people line
                                               the streets to watch the spectacle and its
      in the world! But wouldn’t you prefer    good-natured fun with a new twist every
to run on a beautiful Caribbean island,
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