Page 508 - The British Big Four
P. 508

ritannia Golf Course - Designed by       bringing in the daily catch for restaurants,  strong commitment to developing the sport
                                               catboat builders and school children learn-   in the Cayman Islands, and the Club main-
B Jack Nicklaus the Britannia Golf Course
features a 9-hole championship course or ing to sail as part of the ciriculm. The love tains a strong school and youth training

a 18-hole short course. This layout features of the sea is found in every soul who lives program. Families are especially welcome,

a chance to shoot over the north sound on in the Cayman Islands. Seafarers as well           with Saturday sailing classes for children.

the 5th hole. Lessons are available and the as beginners to boating alike will enjoy         If you are a really keen sailor, interested in

course features a pro shop, bar & grille and spending time cruising in the Caribbean on taking up the sport or just want to join our

hosts many tournaments throughout the          your their Cayman Islands trip. Try places    social activities you’ll fit in straight away.

year. If you didn’t bring your clubs with you such as Star Fish Point on North Side or visit The CISC is happy to provide lessons or

- don’t worry rentals are available.           the sandbar on a Sunday afternoon; that is recreational sailing on your Cayman Island

B lue Tip Golf Course - Blue Tip at The Ritz-  where all the locals spend their time on a    tour. If you are interested in taking a day
      Carlton, Grand Cayman is said to be a    Sunday once church is finished. During your   sail, sunset sail or a romantic dinner cruise,
                                               Caribbean getaway, boating for every occa-    there are various charter operators in Cay-

9-hole Caribbean Monster featuring 8 holes sion is available and if you don’t own a ship man that can accommodate private charter

on the water. Designed by Greg Norman this simply charter one for your stay or for a day. or scheduled service. There is no better way

course is open to guests and residents of      A family day trip, power boating, a fishing to experience the dramatic Cayman Sunset

The Ritz-Carlton, Grand Cayman. The course trip—there’s something to be seen for all         than under sail.

features club rentals, lessons and features    ages on Cayman’s waters.
junior rates when accompanied by a paying      S Failing - The Cayman Islands is blessed
adult.                                              with a rich sailing heritage. This heritage    ishing - In the Cayman Islands, fishing
                                                                                                   is often called the unofficial “national
B oating - Early Caymanians were lauded                                                        sport.” Prized game-fish like Blue Marlin,
      as some of the world’s greatest boat
                                               continues with a strong recreational sailing Tuna, Wahoo, Mahi-mahi and Barracuda are

                                               community. The Cayman Islands Sailing         caught year-round. With options such as

makers and sailors. Today, a strong maritime Club is the National Authority for sailing        shore fishing, bottom and reef fishing and

heritage still ruminates throughout the        in the Cayman Islands and affiliated to the flyfishing, Cayman visitors have the option

islands. That legacy lives on with fishermen ISAF and the Olympic movement. There is a to fish in different locations and styles.
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