Page 512 - The British Big Four
P. 512

Threats to turtle nesting:                                  Where can I buy ‘turtle-friendly’ lights and how                           Marine Turtles and                           The plight of the marine
                                                            much will it cost me?                                                    Lighting Management                               turtle in Cayman.
OLighting – areas where lighting is visible from the
                                                                                                     Location                                     The Problem:                      ‘Las Tortugas’, the Spanish for turtles, was the name
 beach are not suitable for marine turtle nesting or for                                     A .L.Th om pson s                    Artificial lighting disrupts typically nocturnal  first given to the Cayman Islands when they were
 hatchling emergence behaviour.                                                                                                   nesting behaviour, decreasing suitable nesting    discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1503. The
                                                                       Kirks                                                      habitat and confusing and disorienting            name was chosen because the islands were said to be
OSea walls – Any hardened structure whether sandbags           Phillips                                                           hatchling turtles, preventing them from           “full of tortoises, as was all the sea about, insomuch
                                                            Electrical                                                            reaching the sea.                                 that they look’d like little rocks”. Declared extinct in
 or concrete walls, removes nesting habitat from marine                                                                                                                             1900 by the International Union for the Conservation
 turtles by physically impeding access.                                                          M anufactu rer                                   The solution:                     for Nature, recent research by the Department of
                                                                                                                                  As few lights as practical should be used, and    Environment shows that although the Cayman Islands
OBeach equipment – All beach equipment left on the                                       W estinghouse                            for essential lighting, long-wave light sources   can once again provide the conditions to establish,
                                                                                     Abco                                         should replace more disruptive light sources.     maintain and support a resident population of wild
 beach overnight can block access to nesting turtles                                                                              Using lights of minimal wattage that are          marine turtles, certain steps must be taken today to
 coming ashore or hatchlings trying to reach the ocean,                      Abco                                                 housed within well-directed fixtures aimed        ensure adequate nesting habitat remains. Marine turtles
                                                                                                                                  down and away from the beach will reduce          today are a symbol of Cayman’s history, culture and
ORemoval of vegetation – Loss of vegetation between                General                                                        intensity. Motion-sensors should be fitted        heritage, and are highly valued by tourists and
                                                                Electric                                                          wherever possible and native vegetation           residents, who perceive sighting of wild marine turtles
 property and beach increases the amount of light that      Phillips                                                              should be planted between properties and the      as a very special experience.
 reaches the beach from the property, and removes the                                                                             sea, to further reduce the amount of light that
 vegetative cover, under which many turtles, in particular                                      Type                              reaches the beach.                                Today, almost all threats to marine turtles and their
 hawksbills, prefer to nest.                                                                                                                                                        nesting beaches are the result of coastal development.
                                                                                         HPS                                      Department of Environment, Grand Cayman           Massively increased numbers of people live on or near
OBeach cleaning – Machines that clean and condition                                                                                                                                 the coast, and tourism targets these areas specifically.
 the sand have rotating sieves that reach down beneath the                             light                                                                                        This drain on nesting grounds is a major factor
 surface of the sand. These can destroy eggs laid in                                                                                                                                affecting the re-establishment of a wild nesting marine
 shallow nests, or crush hatchlings escaping from nests.                         Flood                                                                                              turtle population in Cayman today. It is a problem
                                                                             bug-                                                                                                   faced by many areas throughout the region, and one
                                                                         light                                                                                                      that has been effectively dealt with in some of these
                                                                     Bug-                                                                                                           places, for example in Florida. The negative impact on
                                                                 Light                                                                                                              wild nesting marine turtle populations must be taken
                                                                                                                                                                                    seriously and addressed in a comprehensive plan for
                                                            HPS                                                                                                                     recovery. This brochure addresses the problems
                                                                                                                                                                                    associated with artificial lighting and marine turtle
                                                                                                        W attage                                                                    nesting behaviour, and looks at how you can help.





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Direction of the ocean
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