Page 534 - The British Big Four
P. 534

few black corals. Great spot for excellent buoyancy control.            STINGRAY CITY To 12’ (4m) The attraction for divers and
SCUBA BOWL 65’-100’+ (20-30m+) Outside the channel, this                snorkelers who
is a deep dive with brain corals, blue fan corals, gorgonians, and      come here in endless tour boats is up-close encounters with the
lavender finger sponges. There are blacktip and Caribbean reef          friendly stingrays. The
sharks.                                                                 stingrays get yummy handouts from the dive masters. It is a spec-
                                                                        tacle not to be missed.
GROUPER GROTTO 20’-50’ (6-15m) Beg. Boat dive                           CORAL GARDENS 3’ - 10’ (1 - 3m) Boat Dive to excellent snor-
for scuba or snorkelers to a tabletop coral reef with elk-              keling on shallow
horn corals, golden gorgonians, brain corals and spong-                 coral reef and sand. Interesting nudibranchs, tiny fish, grunts,
es. Fish life includes Bermuda chub, and whitespotted                   yellowtails, sergeant majors and green sea turtles dominate the
eagle rays. However, groupers are almost non-existent                   enjoyment.
at Grouper Grotto.                                                      SANDBAR 3’ - 10’ (1 - 3m) Tour boats take snorkelers to site
                                                                        where stingrays abound over white sand much like the famous
PEDRO’S PINNACLES 66’-100’+ (22-30m+) Grand Cayman’s                    STINGRAY CITY, but shallower.
first resident pirate (Pedro) built a castle at Great Pedro Point. Two  EAGLE RAY ROCK 50’-100’ (15-30m)
huge pinnacles rise out of the abyss                                    SMITH’S COVE To 15’ (5m) Picnic Beach entry for snorkelers.
from his castle . Sea life includes pristine black corals, wide gorgo-  White sandy bottom with coral heads and juvenile fishes.
nian fans, sponges, green sea turtles, eagle rays, and large pelagics   FRANK’S REEF 60’-100’ (18-30m) Deep reef with a superb name.
from the open ocean.                                                    Features abundant marine life.
PEDRO’S REEF 25’-45’ (8-14m) Several small caverns in the reef          ARMCHAIR REEF 60’-100’ (18-30m)
support a wide variety of Caribbean reef fishes, corals, sponges,       WALDOE’S REEF 33’-50’ (11-15m) Shore dive which is also good
shrimp and spiny lobsters. Hawksbill turtles are also common.           for snorkeling.
SPOTTS REEF 33’-50’ (11-15m) Coral gardens with swim-
BATS CAVE REEF 33’-50’ (11-15m) This shore accessible, popu-
lar site has Grand Cayman’s most extensive system of caves and
tunnels. Also good for snorkeling.
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