Page 538 - The British Big Four
P. 538

EASY STREET 50’-100’ (15-30m)                                             PETER’S (GOVERNOR’S) REEF 30’-43’ (9-13m) Great snorkeling
IN BETWEEN 50’-100’ (15-30m)                                              and easy scuba diving inshore from the Oro Verde wreck.
BIG TUNNELS 80’-120’ (24-36m) Convoluted arroyos, tunnels and             AX DAX (THREE TREES) 30’-43’ (9-13m) Boat dive to photogenic
crevices with colourful sponges and corals, including black coral.        coral reef with staghorn, brain, star, and gorgonian corals.
Bring a torch.                                                            ORO VERDE WRECK 40’-56’ (12-17m) 200’ (60m) former drug
DRAGON’S HOLE 66’-100’ (20-30m)                                           smuggler’s boat, scuttled in 1980, and now encrusted with sponges
LITTLE TUNNELS 30’-65’ (9-20m) Shore accessible spot that can             and corals. Barracuda hang out, along with “Wanda” a big Nassau
be enjoyed as a snorkel adventure.                                        grouper.
CEMETERY BEACH REEF to 10’ (3m) Sandy beach entry to patch                HOLIDAY INN DROP-OFF 60’-120’+ (18-35m+) Boat dive to wall
reef in clear turquoise water leads to elkhorn corals and a vast variety  that drops straight down into the abyss. Diving here is like flying.
of tropical reef fishes.                                                  PARADISE REEF 40’-50’ (12-15m) Coral garden reef with a large,
ANGELFISH REEF 33’-50’ (11-15m) Boat dive with snorkeling                 toothy and tame dog snapper called “Fang”, who likes to visit with
on photogenic reef amongst queen angelfish, and French angelfish,         divers.
colourful sea fans and sea plumes and numerous fish.                      HAMMERHEAD HOLE 66’-100’ (20-30m)
GREAT HOUSE WALL 20’-100’ (18-30m) Boat dive to wall that is
also good for snorkelers who can see the coral buttresses.                JCARIBBEAN CLUB SAND CHUTE 55’-100’ (17-30m) Boat dive
AQUARIUM NORTH (KILLER PUFFER) 33’-43’ (11-14m) Reef                      to gradual, sandy incline with southern stingrays and eagle rays.
for scuba or snorkeling at Grand Cayman’s open sea aquarium,              SENTINEL ROCK 60’-100’ (18-30m)
which hosts numerous fishes swimming amongst antler coral, blue
gorgonians and sea whips.
AQUARIUM SOUTH 33’-43’ (11-13m) Boat dive that is also good
for snorkeling tours. All kinds of surgeonfish, wrasse, parrotfishes,
angelfishes, and butterflyfishes. Photographers love the fish variety
on the backdrop of colourful corals and sponges.
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