Page 23 - Central America
P. 23

nstead, the hieroglyphics boasted of the ac-       were an important part of religious events.         buildings were decorated with sculptures mod-
                                                     Musicians played the drums, wooden and clay         eled in stucco or carved in stone; on which they
Icomplishments of a war-like elite. Many of          trumpets and flutes, rattles and scrapers. Mayan    depicted their rulers ascending to power. They
                                                     art is impressive not only because of its size but  also portrayed the works commissioned during
the great Mayan buildings were monuments             also because of its harmonious composition.         the Lords rule, alternating them with mythical
to great military leaders. Settlements with large                                                        beings. Maya gods represented the forces of
structures served as centers for trade, but pri-     The common people and slaves were re-               nature, The same God could be beneficial or
marily for the accumulation of riches for the elite       sponsible for providing material goods.        harmful, male or female, and provide energy
of Mayan society. Those who contributed to cul-      Under the supervision of priests, activities such   for life or death. The ancient Maya represented
ture, artisans and astronomers among them,           as slash and burn agriculture, hunting and          the universe with an enormous silt cotton tree.
were highly esteemed, but a ruling elite held        building were carried out collectively. Most of     The branches supported the heavens (Caan),
the riches and the power. The Maya reached           the goods obtained by the lower classes were        man’s life on earth (Cab) took place within the
their peak between A.D. 200 and A.D. 900 when        handed over as tribute to the noble classes         trunk and the roots sank into the underworld
they declined for reasons unknown. Many of the       comprised of Lords and Priests. The Lord class      or Xibalba. They believed the earth was square
major sites were abandoned, others lasted until      practiced cranial deformation and perforated        and thought it was supported by an enormous
the 17th century. Many of the ruins were redis-      the nasal septum, lips and ear lobes to insert      alligator or turtle. Heaven was divided into thir-
covered during the 19th century when logging         nose rings, lower lip and ear rings. They filed     teen levels ruled by the same number of Gods;
brought the ancient centers to light. Almost all     their teeth and inlaid then with obsidian, jade     while the underworld was divided into nine lev-
of the ancient sites had been covered and hid-       and pyrite stones. The Maya tattooed their          els. Mayan civilization thrived until around 800
den by dense jungle overgrowth. Among the            skin and painted their bodies for ritual or war.    when a decline began. Tikal was abandoned,
Maya, social hierarchy played an important           Mayan buildings were erected around large           and the process of recording events stopped
role and nobility enjoyed special privileges and     open squares, where the people participated         there by 900. Uxmal showed more develop-
exercised absolute power. Some of the Mayan          in religious celebrations. Construction and the     ment around 850, but it was abandoned around
ruins still have preserved inscriptions and paint-   use of blocks of limestone were covered with a      925.
ings. The nobles were warriors and glorified for     layer of stucco which served as the base for and
their victories. Mayan art required a wide range     painting the buildings with different colors. The
of specialized craftsmen to make the paintings,
carved stone and stucco sculptures. Dances
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