Page 26 - Central America
P. 26

The Mesoamerican Barrier Reef

The Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System, also popularly known
as the Great Mayan Reef or Great Maya Reef, is a marine re-
gion that stretches over 1000 km from Isla Contoy at the tip
of the Yucatán Peninsula down to Belize, Guatemala and the
Bay Islands of Honduras.

T he Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System, also                   corner of Guatemala and ends near the Bay Is-
     popularly known as the Great Mayan Reef or               lands of Honduras.
Great Maya Reef, is a marine region that stretches
over 1000 km from Isla Contoy at the tip of the               The reef system is home to more than 65 spe-
Yucatán Peninsula down to Belize, Guatemala and                    cies of stony coral, 350 species of mollusk and
the Bay Islands of Honduras. The reef system in-              more than 500 species of fish. There are numerous
cludes various protected areas and parks includ-              species that live in or around the reef system that
ing the Arrecifes de Cozumel National Park. It                are endangered or under some degree of protec-
stretches along the entire coast of Quintana Roo.             tion, including the Green turtle, Loggerhead Sea
The reef system extends along the coast of four               Turtle, and the Hawksbill turtle, the Queen Conch,
countries: Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, and Hon-                the West Indian Manatee, the Splendid toadfish,
duras. It begins near Isla Contoy on the northern             the American crocodile, the Nassau grouper,
tip of the Yucatán Peninsula and continues south              Elkhorn coral, and black coral. The reef system is
alongside the Riviera Maya including Cozumel                  home to one of the world’s largest populations
and Banco Chinchorro. It then continues south                 of manatees, with an estimated 1,000 to 1,500 of
down the eastern coast of Belize including many               them.
cayes and atolls. It extends past the north-east
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