Page 37 - Florida and the US Caribbean Isles
P. 37
St. Croix - Beauty, Mystique and Walls
St. Croix is about 40 miles south of St. Thomas and St. John. They waterfront property owners as the “public” part of the beach only
are separated by a deep oceanic trench... the deepest in the At- extends 15 feet up the beach from the high tide waterline, after
lantic basin, which drops down to over 10,000 feet. St. Croix has that it’s private property. This fabulous island is unique amongst
wonderful white sand beaches with warm, crystal clear waters and the Virgin Islands in topography, geology and its very nature. The
is ringed by a reef system making navigating the waters around eastern end is drier and mostly devoted to agriculture. The hilly
the island reserved for only experienced sailors. All beaches on the west end is forested and receives over 55 in (140cm) of rain annu-
island are open to the public, however, you still need to respect ally on the windward slopes.