Page 42 - Florida and the US Caribbean Isles
P. 42
TELEPHONE AND ELECTRICITY - U.S. Virgin Islands use Country United Airlines (connections with partner airlines)
Code - 1... just like on the mainland. The Area Code on St. Croix is Leeward Islands Airways, LIAT (1974) Ltd.
340. The electrical current and the style of the wall outlets are 110V / Air Sunshine
60Hz, just like those in the U.S. You won’t need to use an adapter if you American Eagle
are visiting from the U.S. Cape Air
St Croix Police Department - For all emergencies, call 911 from a land Seaborne Airlines, Inc.
line or 340-772-9111 from your cell phone, click here for more St. Sea Flight
Croix Police information. REQUIRED TRAVEL DOCUMENTS
St Croix Fire Department - For all emergencies, call 911 from a land All persons including citizens of the United States traveling by air be-
line or 340-772-9111 from your cell phone. tween the U.S., Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean and Bermuda are re-
Hospital - 340-778-6311, click here for hospital and doctor informa- quired to present a passport, Merchant Mariner Document (presented
tion. by U.S. citizen merchant mariners traveling on official business) or
US Coast Guard Auxiliary - Emergencies only - 1-787-289-2040 or NEXUS Card (NEXUS enrollment is limited to citizens of the Unit-
1-787-279-7778 ed States and Canada, and lawful permanent residents of the United
SCUBA Diving Emergencies - 340-778-6311, ext. 2664 States and Canada). Children will be required to present their own
Poison Information - 1-800-222-1222 FREE passport.
AIRLINES AND FLIGHTS – St. Croix is serviced by the Henry E. U.S. Lawful Permanent Residents (LPRs), refugees, and asylees will
Rohlsen Airport, St. Croix - Airport code: STX - (340) 778-1012 continue to be able to use their Alien Registration CardU.S. Passport
American Airlines (Form I-551), issued by DHS, or other evidence of permanent resident
Delta Airlines status or refugee or asylee status to apply for entry into the United
US Airways States. The Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI) does not af-
JetBlue fect travel between the United States and its territories. U.S. citizens
traveling directly between the United States, Guam, Puerto Rico, the
U.S. Virgin Islands, America Samoa, Swains Island and the Common-
wealth of the Northern Mariana Islands will continue to be able to use
established forms of identification to board flights and for entry.