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design craft competing for the oldest match-  BERMUDA FLY FISHING
        racing trophy in the world.              INVITATIONAL
        The  Bermuda  calendar  is  full  of  other  open   This  is  not  a  tournament  but  rather  an  excuse  for
        ocean  yachting,  single-handed,  team  and   fi shermen to come to Bermuda to have a good pull
                                                 on a good fi sh on a fl y rod. And, of course, to have a
        match  race  sailing  events  from  April  to
                                                 good time! Good fi sh include Black Fin and Yellow Fin
        October. The Royal Hamilton Amateur Dinghy   Tuna, Wahoo and Jacks.
        Club,  the  Royal  Bermuda  Yacht  Club,  the
        Spanish Point Boat Club and the St. George’s
         Dinghy & Sports Club host these events and
        o€er reciprocal facilities to members of similar   BERMUDA BILLFISH

        clubs worldwide.                         RELEASE CUP
        DIVING                                   The  Bermuda  Billfi sh  Release  Cup  kick-starts  the
         Bermuda is famous as a world-class diving   Bermuda Billfi sh tournament season with a fun, family
        venue,  year-round.  The  crystal-clear  waters   orientated, charity, all-release Billfi sh tournament that
        surrounding the Island make the sub-aquatic   also features awards and prizes for the game fi sh. The
        realm every bit as accessible as that above it.   Billfi sh Release Cup is a qualifying event for the OWC.
         For certified divers we have the best wreck

        diving in the Atlantic.

                                                 BERMUDA TRIPLE CROWN
        The  undersea  world  of  reefs,  caverns  and
        shipwrecks,  many  are  in  shallow  water,   BILLFISH CHAMPIONSHIPS
        represent  more  than  five  centuries  of   July  is  our  peak  month  for  Blue  and  White  Marlin

        nautical  history,  teem  with  marine  life  due   fi shing in Bermuda and this triple tournament is the
        to the healthy reef system and are a major   pinnacle of the season.

         From beginners to seasoned SCUBA veterans,
         Bermuda welcomes those keen to enjoy both   BERMUDA TRIPLE CROWN
                                                 CHAMPIONSHIP INCLUSIVE OF THE
                                                 FOLLOWING TOURNAMENTS:
           e  xp     lo    r  e                  BERMUDA BILLFISH BLAST

             our  uNderSea worLd       

                                                 BERMUDA BIG
                                                 GAME CLASSIC

                                                 SEA HORSE ANGLERS CLUB
                                                 BILLFISH TOURNAMENT
                                         b a b y   H i n D   b y   k E n   V i c k E r S
             “The entire history of Bermuda can
           be documented by the hundreds of
           shipwrecks that lie in the coral reefs
           that ring the islands,”
              Jaws author Peter Benchley

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