Page 162 - Visitor Guides
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out  a  day-long  tour  with  stops  at  these
                                                                                 artists’ studios. Before setting out, keep a
                                                                                 broad mind on what exactly constitutes a
                                                                                 ‘studio’, as artists in Bermuda can work in
                                                                                 uncommon locations and it is best to call

                                                                                 ahead to confirm their availability.
                                                                                 Local  writers  add  an  important  layer
                                                                                 to  the  cultural  ‘products’  of  the  Island,
                                                                                 their  books  are  available  in  bookstores,
                                                                                 gift  shops  and  from  the  writers  directly
                                                                                 as  often  they  are  the  featured  evening
                                                                                 guests  during  hotels’  ‘Bermuda  Nights’.
                                                                                 Children’s  books  top  the  list  of  ‘best
                                                                                 sellers’ and the lead characters are often

                                                                                 popular  locals:  tree  frogs,  colourful  fish,
                                                                                 gombeys and birds. Take home gifts could

                                                                                 include volumes on local flora and fauna,

                                                                                 scientific  expeditions  or  our  maritime
           T H E   P E r F U M E r y ,   S T .   g E o r g E ’ S                 history,  or  what  about  a  novel  based
                                                                                 on  the  lives  of  the  Island’s  pirates  and
          and clothes shops, hairdressers and spa,   Craft  Market  all  have  regularly  changing   buccaneers? And, there’s that well-known
          tiny bookstore, artist studios and galleries  schedules  of  shows  and  exhibits.  The   work, ‘The Tempest’, by Mr. Shakespeare.
          that  are  all  tucked  in  amongst  historic   Bermuda  National  Gallery  in  City  Hall  &
          homes, buildings and walk ways.     Arts  Centre  in  Hamilton  hosts  visiting   The  collection  of  co‚ee  table  books

                                              international  exhibits,  a  complement
          At  the  busier  west  end  of  the  Island,   to  their  permanent  collection  which   covers virtually all aspects of Bermudian
                                                                                 life:  personalities,  homes  and  gardens,
          the  Royal  Naval  Dockyard’s  Clocktower   includes  important  Bermudian  paintings
                                                                                 ship building and sailing from days gone
          Mall  is  a  must  for  recreational  shoppers.   and furniture.
                                                                                 by to nowadays. Turn the pages of any of
          The  Mall  houses  small  branches  of
                                                                                 these  magnificent  tomes  and  ‘visit’  the

          Hamilton  department  stores,  art  and   A  number  of  resident  working  artists
                                                                                 Island again and again from the comfort
          craft  stores  attractive  gift  shops,  as   have  their  studios  in  the  Bermuda  Arts
                                                                                 of your armchair at home.
          well  as  fashion  clothing,  jewellery  and   Centre  at  Dockyard—another  west  end
          accessory  boutiques.  You  can  shop  and   highlight.  Venture  around  the  corner   Throughout Bermuda you’ll come across
          then  drop  in  at  the  Mall’s  world  famous   and  step  into  the  vast  hall  of  Dockyard   fragrant,  local  favourites  to  take  home
          Haggen Dazs ice-cream parlour for well-  Glassworks  where  hot  furnaced  and   as  reminders  of  your  island  vacation:  a

          deserved refreshment.               flameworked glass, fused glass jewellery   spoonful  of  Bermuda  honey  to  sweeten
                                              and  glass  beads  are  all  produced;  stay   your  days,  a  bottle  of  peppery  sherry
          It’s a short distance to the east side of the  a  while  and  watch  a  demonstration  of   condiment  to  add  a  special  zip  to  your
          Dockyard. A bustling marina and working   glass  blowing.  Take  home  your  personal   choice homemade dishes, a phial of newly
          boatyards  line  the  way  to  old  naval   favourite,  one  that  reflects  Bermuda’s   refined  Bermuda  perfumes  to  capture

          storehouses,  now  studios  for  artisans   natural  light  and  vibrancy.  Next  door  at
                                                                                 the essence of the Island in a range of

          o‚ering  a  wealth  of  handmade  creative   Bermuda Clayworks, featuring renowned
                                                                                 exotic fragrances, and don’t forget
          arts and crafts, ‘Made in Bermuda’. What   potter Jon Faulkner, you can look on while
                                                                                 a delicious rum cake!
          more memorable souvenirs can you take   potters work and then you can buy their
          home with you?                      contemporary hand thrown designs.
                                                                                 Every   excursion   to
                                                                                 Bermuda  brings  its
          The  best  showcases  for  Bermuda-made   There  are  some  smaller  galleries  and   rewards.  The  rewards
          arts and crafts are the local galleries: the   studios  located  across  the  Island,  these   are  as  varied  as  the   c r o S S
          Bermuda  Arts  Centre  at  Dockyard,  the   are  listed  in  the  telephone  directory’s   clouds in our sky.  T H E   T U c k E r
          Bermuda  Society  of  Arts,  Masterworks   Yellow  Pages  and  an  enterprising  guide
          Museum of Bermuda Art and the Bermuda  or  a  knowledgeable  taxi  driver  can  map

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