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Princess o ers a substantial brunch workday, has a DJ and dancing at its extra mile to put ambience on the menu
at its Harley’s restaurant. Fairmont popular happy hour, which actually lasts alongside fine food. A few eating places
Southampton’s Windows on the Sound until midnight. also o er unique environments and are
also serves brunch on Sunday. also worth exploring.
The harbour-side terrace of Fairmont’s
West of the City of Hamilton, Fourways Inn Hamilton Princess hotel, an early venue At the beach, there’s Mickey’s Beach Bar
and Henry VIII have long been known for for a social trend that has exploded, & Bistro situated right on fabulous Elbow
their sumptuous bu et brunches. Among continues to be a popular happy hour Beach and The Reef’s Coconuts where
the eastern parishes, Grotto Bay Beach spot. Nearby, at the terrace and cocktail food and drink are served almost literally
Resort and Landfall Restaurant draw the lounge of Harry’s Bar and Restaurant, on the rocks.
crowds. The latter restaurant serves local Martini Madness and a bar food menu
favourites and impressive views of the is on o er from 5:00 p.m to 10:00 At the eastern end of the Island,
North Shore marine scene. p.m. Meanwhile, Port O’ Call on Front Blackbeard’s Hide Out overlooks Achilles
Street beckons a corporate crowd to its Bay and is next to Gates Bay, where
For brunch with a twist, try the Jazz happy hour. the Island’s first visitors arrived o the
Brunch at Bermuda’s pronouncedly shipwrecked Sea Venture—not quite a
French restaurant, Beau Rivage at On the opposite side of Hamilton Harbour, cruise ship. Near the Island’s western end,
Newstead Belmont Hills. Beau Rivage at Newstead Belmont Hills The Dining Room at Gibbs Hill Lighthouse,
o ers happy hour and great views of a lit- Southampton can boast that it is the only
AFTERNOON TEA up the City of Hamilton from its terrace. restaurant in proximity to sweeping,
After all, we are a British colony! Have For convenience and safety, it also o ers panoramic views of the entire island.
a sweet—and savoury—time at either of a water shuttle from Hamilton on the half
the Fairmont hotels. Full afternoon teas hour between 5 :00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. There are a couple of other eating
are served in the Fairmont’s Heritage places that also o er ambience that
Court in Hamilton and Jasmine Lounge in At the Harbourfront a reasonably priced is quite unique. For a quick bite while
Southampton. sushi happy hour is o ered Monday you contemplate both art and nature,
through Friday from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 consider Homer’s Café at Masterworks in
Fittingly, at the Royal Naval Dockyard in p.m. Sushi is also the theme of happy the Botanical Gardens. The café is named
the Island’s western end, The Dockyard hour at Blû Bar and Grill where sparkling after famed American artist Winslow
Pastry Shop o ers an authentic English nighttime views of the Great Sound Homer who visited Bermuda in 1899 and
tea complete with scones and clotted are free. is represented in the gallery’s collection.
cream. In St. George’s, the eastern end’s At Azu Beastro in the Bermuda Aquarium,
World Heritage site, Sweet P’s full tea is an Most restaurants in Bermuda stop serving Museum & Zoo you can’t feed the animals
elegant a air o ered in the garden of the food by 10:00 p.m. or 11 :00 p.m. However, but you can certainly hear and see them
Bermuda Perfumery, a listed eighteenth there are a few good options conveniently as you take a break between exhibits.
century house. Call to reserve. located along Front Street On Fridays
and Saturdays, mobile Smokin’ Barrel So, enjoy your visit to Bermuda and
AFTER WORK is open until 1:00 a.m. The always lively Bon Appetit!
AND AFTER HOURS Bermuda Bistro at the Beach—actually
Come five o’clock on Friday afternoon Front Street—is open seven days a week For an up-to-date listing of
our restaurants, please visit
the workweek finishes and weekend and serves drinks until 3:00 a.m. and food
socialising begins. Many restaurants, until midnight. Café Cairo, which attracts
pubs and bars celebrate with specifically a young crowd, is open and serving food
designated Happy Hours. The following is until 3:00 a.m. every day but Sunday.
but a sample of the establishments that
attract a faithful clientele which shows up AMBIENCE
after work in search of friends, light fare Bermudians feel fortunate to have a
and a sip or two. beautiful built and natural environment
surrounding them on a daily basis,
The Lemon Tree Café, a casual locale and year round. However, numerous
known for its sandwiches during the restaurants—some already cited—go the
30 1.800.BERMUDA