Page 175 - Visitor Guides
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 Learn To Dive or Dive To Learn        Snorkel Away

 Whether you’re interested in a resort program, referral course, open water certification,  If you’re not a diver, and are currently not interested in
 advanced specialty or Divemaster and Instructor training, our dive operators offer it all. If  becoming one, no worries. Some of the very best sites
 you’re a diver or snorkeller in need of equipment, there are a number of on-island retailers  the Cayman Islands has to offer are in shallow waters,
 who can outfit you from head to toe. Just bring your smile and let the folks here hook you  tailor-made for snorkelling. If this is your first snorkelling
 up with some top-notch gear.                                      trip,there are some things you should be aware of,
                                                                   particularly when it comes to equipment.
 Resort Courses/Discover Scuba – Anyone interested
 in diving can experience the thrill of the underwater
 world without making the full commitment to a complete
 certification programme.All it takes is a couple of hours
 learning the basic skills in a pool and you’re ready to enjoy
 diving in Cayman’s beautiful waters with your Instructor.  #1 Mask – Perhaps the single most important piece of equipment you’ll need. Ideally, you’ll
                                       want a high quality mask with a tight-fitting seal.The easiest way to test the fit of a mask is
 Open Water Referrals – Referrals are an excellent option  to lift the strap over the top of the mask and press the mask to your face (being sure not to
 for visiting divers who have completed the classroom and  capture any strands of hair) without breathing in. If it creates a slight vacuum and stays tight
 pool portions of an open water certification course and  to your face, you’ve got the right fit.
 want to make the requisite open water dives in Cayman’s
 warm, clear waters. Getting started on this process can be  #2 Snorkel – A snorkel is a snorkel is a snorkel. Not true!
 made easier if the new divers get in touch with their local  There are varying bore sizes, different designs, alternating
 dive shops in their hometowns.        internal air pockets, etc.,The best advice is to find a snorkel
                                       that is comfortable, delivers air easily and breathes as dry
                                       as possible.
 Open Water Certification and Refresher Courses –
 Once you’re in the Cayman Islands, your entire open   #3 Fins – Fins give you mobility and speed.You have a
 water certification can be completed in as little as three  choice between full-foot fins (that fit like a slipper around
 days. For travellers who haven’t been diving in a while,  your heel) or open-heel fins.The latter are usually worn
 quick and easy refresher courses are available through  with some kind of neoprene "booties" with flexible rubber
 most on-island operators.             soles. No matter what type of fins you choose, make sure
                                       they fit snugly, but not too tight.
 Specialty and Technical Courses – From underwater pho-
 tography and wreck diving to navigation and night diving,  #4 Outerwear – You may want to use a nylon dive skin or a thin wetsuit, both for warmth
 the Cayman Islands offers a complete menu of specialty  and for protection from little stinging things and the sun. If you choose not to wear one, at
 training options. If you’re interested in something more  least don a T-shirt for sun protection.While many of the Cayman Islands’ snorkel sites are
 technical, such as nitrox, tri mix, rebreather and extended  found just off the beach, a great many more are found off a rocky shoreline called ironshore.
 range diving, our on-island professionals can assist you in  It’s best to patrol these sites in reef shoes or some other type of protective footwear. It’s also
 learning these disciplines as well.   against the law to wear gloves when snorkelling or diving in Cayman waters.

 Divemaster and Instructor Training – If you are ready              Picture This…
 to take the plunge and join the ranks of the professional          One of the biggest thrills of visiting the underwater realm
 dive community, the Cayman Islands provides the best               is capturing the beauty and magic for friends and family
 training available.                                                back home. Because the marine laws governing our three
                                                                    islands are so strictly enforced (what’s found underwater
 Safety – The Cayman Islands boasts state-of-the-art                stays underwater), you’ll need to try your hand at underwater
 medical facilities including a hyperbaric chamber (located         photography if you want to bring the experience home.
 on Grand Cayman) and in the event of an emergency,                 Fortunately, you will find any number of on-island
 quality care can be provided in minutes.All dive boats             providers who can help. Many operators also video tape
 carry oxygen and have fully trained staff in emergency  diving or snorkelling activities – a perfect keepsake, great for bragging rights!
 first response & oxygen provision.

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