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Deeper Still Surface Intervals
It’s also possible to experience the exhilaration Preposterous as it may sound, it is
of our underwater world without getting wet. possible to enjoy the sparkling waters of
Simply book a tour with one of the Cayman the Cayman Islands without strapping a
Islands’ submarine operators. For the more mask on your face or a tank on your
adventurous, there’s the Atlantis Deep Explorer, back. Right from the beach, you can rent
capable of taking two passengers on dives of a wave runner or sailboat, go parasailing,
up to 1000 feet. Other operators include the windsurfing or water-skiing. For those
Seaworld Explorer, which can take 35 passengers moments when you’re not frolicking in the
just five feet below the surface, and SEAmobile crystal clear waters, there are a host of
Submarine Tours which offers two passengers a land-based attractions to immerse yourself
panoramic 360-degree view at 60 feet. For in as well, including more than 170 world-
larger groups, the Atlantis XI and Nautilus semi- class dining options, championship caliber
submarine can accommodate up to 48 and 60 golf courses and a variety of full-service
passengers respectively on daily air-conditioned spas designed to truly pamper.
excursions over Grand Cayman’s various reefs
and wrecks. They are also unique and exciting From luxury hotels to exquisitely furnished
venues for hosting children’s parties. conominiums, stately private houses and
of course, small and intimate dive lodges,
If you are Tri mix certified, Cayman Walls are the Cayman Islands offers a wide range
waiting to be explored below the 130 foot depth of accomodations. For a complete list of
limit – pristine, untouched sponge belts that will places to stay and things to see and do,
awe you in mass, color and size. visit
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client: Cayman trim: 15 x 10 approvals init. date time live trim bleed
job #: 3CI GEN C0041 bld: 15 ⁄4 x 10 ⁄4 production artist
job name: CI Undersea Guide live area: 14 ⁄2 x 9 ⁄2 studio manager
job element: n/a mech built at: 100%
file name: 3CIGENC0041CIUSG.qxd printed at: 100% proofreader
done by: Anthony date: 08/18/03 traffic
art director: Tony K. time: 5:00pm copywriter
publications: n/a proof #: 1 art director
creative director
Chowder, Inc. account executive
account supervisor