Page 139 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 139

   SUGAR MILL MUSEUM)  This is a restored sugar mill, representing
   the very first sugar mill on Molokai, built in 1878 by a German im-  Area:  261 sq. miles (681 sq. km)
   migrant who married the Molokai High Chiefess, Kalama.  The mill  Coastline:  95 miles (153 km)

   originally relied on mule-power and a steam engine to crush the cane.  E to W Length:  38 miles (61 km)
   Open 10am-2pm, closed Sunday.                             N to S Width:  10 miles (16 km)
                                                             Population:  8000
   PALAAU STATE PARK  Hike or mountain bike on the winding trails,  High Spot:  Kamakou 4961 Ft. (1512 m)
   and see petroglyphs and Phallic Rock in this 34-acre recreation area.  Rainfall:

   The views of Kalaupapa are magnificent.  Picnic tables and camping  Airport:  27.1 inches (68.9 cm)/year
   are available.  It is often cool and rainy up here.       Windward Mountains:  To 200 inches (500cm)/year

   IRONWOODS GOLF COURSE is the best golfing bargain in all of  WAIKOLU OVERLOOK  The view across and down into this mag-
   Hawaii. Originally designed for the executives of Del Monte Pineap-  nificent valley is just incredible.  This is also a great place to see native
   ple, this is a classic 9-hole course. For tee times call (808) 567-6000.  If  birds, ohia trees, and other lush vegetation.  The Overlook area is part
   you want expert help with your game, ask for Darrel, the local golf pro.  of the Kamakou Preserve.

   COFFEES OF HAWAII  Visit a 500-acre working coffee plantation and  KALAUPAPA PENINSULA  In the mid 1800’s this peninsula was
   enjoy one of the finest coffees in the world.  There is a self-guided deck  where people suffering from Hansen’s disease (leprosy) were forced
   tour any time, a guided walking tour at 10:00am, or a mule drawn  into exile.  Father Damien, a Belgian Roman Catholic priest is famous
   wagon tour at 8:00am and 1:00pm weekdays.  Also, enjoy the espresso  for administering to these tragic victims from 1874 to 1889, when
   and coffee bar, the cafe and gift boutique seven days a week.  For reser-  he too eventually succumbed to the disease at the age of 49.  It is no
   vations call (808) 567-9490.                              longer  a  “leper  colony”, although  people  who  have recovered  from
                                                             Hansen’s disease still reside in their Kalaupapa homes. Today visitors
   PURDY’S MACADAMIA FARM TOUR  Enjoy a free visit at the old-  can arrange a tour to this isolated yet fantastically beautiful National
   est working Macadamia nut farm in Hawaii.  Fifty trees planted over  Historical Park by air, mule, or foot.  The peninsula is surrounded by
   eighty years ago provide organic nuts that are roasted on the prop-  the world’s highest sea cliffs, the North Shore Pali, soaring more than
   erty.   Also enjoy macadamia nut honey and a gift shop with made-in-  2,000 feet straight up out of the sea.  For ground tours contact Damien

   Molokai products.  Tue. - Fri. 9:30am to 3:30pm and Sat.10am to 2pm.  Tours at (808) 567-6171.
   Closed Sundays and Holidays. (808) 567-6601
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