Page 140 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 140
NORTH SHORE PALI These are the tallest sea cliffs in the world, at MAUNALOA VOLCANO erupted out of the sea about 1.5 million
about 2000 feet. The pali continue their near-vertical plunge to 2000 years ago to form Molokai’s West End. The area was known for adze
feet below sea level. quarries, and holua slides.
NORTH SHORE KAYAKING Molokai has amazing ocean kayak- MAUNALOA TOWN is the only town in west Molokai. Dole Plan-
ing, but doing it along the vertical North Shore is amazing beyond tation left Maunaloa in 1975 after 50 years of pineapple production
belief. Secret, secluded beaches, sea birds, and cascading waterfalls here. Visitors shop at the General Store, The Big Wind Kite Factory,
pro-vide incredible, photogenic scenery, but only in summer. Dolly Hale, and Blue Nalu, plus eat at restaurants, and catch a movie
at the triplex cinema. The town is headquarters for Molokai Ranch.
SANDALWOOD PIT This is a 75 ft. long indentation (pit) in the MOLOKAI RANCH At this cattle ranch visitors can have all sorts
earth, dug in the early 1800’s by King Kamehameha’s men to the ex- of fun, including an equestrian outing with Hawaii’s original cow-
act width and length of a sandal-wood cargo ship hold. The fragrant boys, the Paniolos, or mountain biking on over 100 miles of trails.
export was packed into the pit for shipment planning, then taken to The Ranch features the Molokai Cultural Center, which is a fantastic
the dock and put on a real ship and sent to China. museum, plus shoreside camping, and luxurious lodging.
KAMAKOU PRESERVE The Nature Conservancy gives monthly HALE O LONO HARBOR translates into “House of Lono.” Lono
guided hikes on a narrow boardwalk across bogs and into this water- was one of four gods brought to Hawaii by ancient Tahitians. The
shed area near Molokai’s highest peak. 2,774 acres of lush rainforest harbor has a breakwater. This site is the start of Outrigger Canoe
has over 250 Hawaiian plants and scores of native insect species that Races to Oahu. The women compete in the Na Wahine O Ke Kai
support rare endemic birds. The Kamakou Preserve provides more race in September, and the men compete in the Molokai Hoe race in
than 60% of Molokai’s water. For an unforgettable visit call (808) October. Teams from 55 countries have competed.
553-5236 or visit
ROYAL COCONUT GROVE The Kapuaiwa Grove, planted by
KAIWI CHANNEL 41 miles of treacherous open ocean between King Kamehameha V in the 1860’s has over 1000 palm trees. This
Molokai and Oahu is the site of outrigger canoe races. Trade winds landmark is one of the few remaining royal coconut groves left in
blow strong across the channel, driving waves and making condi- Hawaii.
tions choppy.
PENGUIN BANKS Since ancient times, Hawaiians have been fish-
ing this rich undersea shelf that extends 27 miles westward from
Hale o Lono Harbor.