Page 145 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 145

MOOMOMI PRESERVE  The Nature Conservancy staff and vol-  progeny of the herd are still grazing all across Molokai.
    unteers lead a monthly hike through the Moomomi Preserve on
    Molokai’s northwest corner.  Here you will find a major coastal sand  KAUNAKAKAI TOWN INSERT
    dune ecosystem like no other on earth.  Within the dunes you will
    see rare and endangered native plant species, one of which is found  KAUNAKAKAI TOWN  Molokai’s main town has barely changed
    nowhere else in the world.  The dunes and shoreline are home to the  in 100 years.  Enjoy a walk on Ala Malama Avenue where there are
    rare Hawaiian monk seal, the Hawaiian green sea turtle, and numer-  shops with unusual local souvenirs and restaurants with delicious
    ous native shorebirds and seabirds.  For more information contact the  dishes.  Go to Friendly Market, Mrs. K’s Concession, Imamura’s Store,
    Molokai field office of the Nature Conservancy at (808) 553 5236 or  Molokai Pizza Cafe, Kanemitsu’s Bakery, Outpost Natural Foods,
    visit and follow the links to Molokai.    and Pascua’s General Store.  At the harbor go to Molokai Ice House,
                                                             where you can get the best sashimi, poke, and lomi ahi in all of Ha-
    BIG GAME HUNTING  Axis deer were introduced to Molokai under  waii.  Molokai Fish and Dive, which provides activities and rentals, is
    royal protection by Kamehameha V in January 1868.  Polynesian boar  located downtown, as is Molokai Outdoors.  On Saturday there is an
    and Spanish goats also flourish on the island.  Two Molokai game  outdoor market full of wonderful Hawaiian produce and goods.  Be
    hunters provide a high quality guide service into private lands for bow  sure to “talk story” with the local folk if you get a chance.
    or rifle hunts.  Longtime cowboy Joey Joao of Hawaiian Kine Hunt-
    ing (808) 336-0095  has access to the 45,000 acres of Molokai Ranch  RAWLINS CHEVRON  The ultimate one-stop shop for gas, an oil
    on the West End where hunters may stalk game birds, or axis deer  change, a tire rotation, a gallon of milk or juice, a 23” color TV, and
    of the original Kamehameha herd, now estimated to be over 10,000  souvenirs.
    head. Walter Naki (808) 558-8184 takes hunters to several large prop-
    erties on the lush East End where they hunt for wild boar, Spanish  MALAMA CULTURAL PARK  This was King Kamehameha V’s
    goats, axis deer and game birds.  A card certifying the completion of  homesite, and is now a favorite park for Molokai residents.
    a hunter safety course and a Hawaii State hunting license is required.
                                                             FARMERS MARKET  One of the social highlights of the week on
    TARGET SPORTS The Molokai Ranch Lodge Activities Center offers  Molokai is the Saturday farmers market along Ala Malama Ave. be-
    sporting clays, archery with 3-D big game targets, pellet gun marks-  tween the two service stations from 7am until early afternoon.  Be
    manship and paintball wars.  Call (808) 552-0184 in Maunaloa, or  sure to go early to compete for fresh farm produce, flowers and locally
    (808) 553-5926 in Kaunakakai.                            made handicrafts.

    DEER IN YOUR HEADLIGHTS  Along Kaluakoi Road in the range-  TAXIS  There is only one Taxi Company on Molokai!  So if you need a
    land of west Molokai there are wild axis deer roaming at night.  These  taxi, call Erman or Juliana Tancayo at Hele Mai Taxi, (808) 336-0967.
    Indian deer were given to King Kamehameha V in the 1860’s, and the  Dassit!
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