Page 146 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 146
FOOD ISSUES! Molokai businesses close their doors early. That’s just restaurant offers cocktails and excellent food with breakfast, lunch
the way it is. The streets of Kaunakakai are usually empty after about and dinner menus with daily specials.
5:30pm. The only supermarket on the island, Kaunakakai’s Friendly
Market,is open from 8:30am to 8:30pm, Mon. - Fri., 8:30am to 6:30pm KALOKOELI FISHPOND Built between 700 and 800 years ago, this
on Saturday, and closed Sundays. Visitors have been known to fly in, is one ofMolokai’s finest ancient Hawaiian fishponds.
drive to their lodging and then realize that all of the stores on Molokai
are closed! When on Molokai, plan ahead for your food, water and KALAUPAPA PENINSULA
beverage needs.
KALAUPAPA OVERLOOK A short hike within Palaau State Park
DEEP SEA FISHING Molokai boasts some of the best fishing grounds leads to a dramatic overlook of Molokai’s North Shore. The sea cliffs
in all of Hawaii. Ask about the Penguin Banks, the South Shore bar- (pali) rise 1700 ft. straight up. At the foot of the pali is the 4-square
rier reef, and, weather permitting, the “Backside” or North Shore with mile Kalaupapa Peninsula, created by a lava flow that spewed out of
its scenic sea cliffs. Three experienced charter boat skippers offer full, Kauhako Alau Crater. Information plaques at the overlook tell the
three-quarter, or half day charters to hunt for several varieties of mar- history of the Kalaupapa Leper Colony, now called Kalaupapa Na-
lin and tuna, plus mahimahi, ono (wahoo), and barracuda. Contact: tional Historical Park.
Fun Hogs Sportfishing, Capt. Mike Holmes at (808) 567-6789; or Al-
yce C. Sportfishing, Capt. Joe Reich at (808) 558-8377; or Molokai KUKUIOHAPAPUU TRAIL 3 miles of trail with 26 switchbacks and
Action Adventures, Capt. Walter Naki at (808) 558-8184. over 1200 irregular stair steps was hand-carved in 1907 by Manuel
Farinha, a Portuguese immigrant who hung from ropes draped over
HOTEL MOLOKAI Molokai’s biggest hotel is just two miles past the the cliff to do the job. Only official tours, such as Molokai Mule Ride,
Kaunakakai wharf and 15 minutes from the airport. Hotel Molokai tel. (800) 567-7550 or Damien Tours tel. (808) 567-6171 may bring
offers spacious Polynesian-style bungalows with an oceanfront res- visitors into the Kalaupapa National Historical Park. You may hike,
taurant. Ohana Concierges is the hotel’s own activities desk. It also ride a mule or fly in. The views are incredible.
has a gift shop, and nightly Hawaiian-style entertainment. Aloha Fri-
day begins at 4pm with a song fest featuring the island Kupuna or old PHALLIC ROCK Just 200 yds from the Kalaupapa Overlook is the 7
timers playing in the real old Hawaiian style. (808) 553-5347 or www. ft. tall Phallic Rock. The male fertility god Nanahoa’s wife Kawahuna caught him checking out a young girl who was staring at her own
reflection in a pool. The wife attacked the young girl, outraging Nana-
HOTEL MOLOKAI’S HULA SHORES RESTAURANT Molokai does hoa, who struck his wife. She rolled down the cliff and turned into
not claim to be a culinary destination, nor is it interested in becom- stone. Then Nanahoa turned into stone himself - as this phallic rock.
ing one! There are just a few local style restaurants on the island and
most of them are located in the Kaunakakai town. However, the Hotel
Molokai’s Hula Shores Restaurant is the exception. This oceanfront