Page 170 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
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n the big island of Hawaii, Spanish   underwater vistas for scuba diving. Several   depth coral and lava banks, allow you to
   O dancers, rare juveniles, and lionfish   dives shops have packages to Turtle Canyon   see it up close and personal. The range of
   are regulars. Diving is mostly lava flow dives   and some of the more popular locations   Coral in the region is unique to the Hawai-
   with little coral cover, but the tropical fish   such as The Sea Tiger wreck, 100ft Hole,   ian Islands. Instead of sponge and coral
   are colorful, unique, and generally plentiful.   Kingman’s Reef, YO-257, San Pedro wrecks   associated with older coral reefs, you will
   There’s access to good shore diving. Kauai   and Kewalo Pipe.                get to see a large amount of Cauliflower
   reef diving is passable, but the attraction is                               coral, which is the predominant coral in
   unique trips available only in the summer.   aui diving and Molokini Crater are   the region. Two uncommon species of coral
   Maui’s diving is often to the backside of  M home to about 250 species of fish -   you may encounter in the reef bench zones
   Molokini or Lanai.                     some of which are found nowhere else on   of the Islands include the Leptastrea and
                                          earth. Molokini’s back wall sharply drops off   Pavona corals. Common sea life ncludes
       ea Turtles are common, and occasional   to depths of 300 feet. In the center is a lush   dolphins, sea turtles, angler fish, moray
   S white tip shark adds to the fun, and   reef area with excellent viewing up to 150   eels, and Humpback whales. Boring Ur-
   the reef fish are colorful. Most reefs around   feet. The island can only be reached by boat.  chins and Surgeons are two species of fish
   Honolulu and Oahu have declined consider-                                    that are also plentiful here. Lobe Coral and
   ably, but there is some decent diving toward   e included sepaarate sections on Wreck   Finger Coral are also present in abundance.
   the north side. Nine months a year expect  W Dives and Shore Diving to provide basic   The diversity of life, and the incredible
   clear water, visibility that’s usually better   informaiton to allow you to do more in depth   scenes that you encounter scuba diving in
   than the Caribbean -- around 100 feet --   research as you plan your trip.  This Guide also   Hawaii makes you realize that half of Ha-
   and air temperatures in the low 80s. Water   includes a few of the Franko Maps Guides as a   waii’s stunning beauty lies just beneath the
   temperatures hit the low 70s in January and   starting point to plan your diving experienc.e   waters surface.
   February when storms can last several days
   and cut visibility.                       eeing the Lava tubes and other unique
                                         S geographic features is perhaps the
       urtle Canyon in Oahu is a well known   most popular style of scuba diving Hawaii
   T for providing some of the most scenic   offers. These features, ranging from shallow
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