Page 173 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 173

ohola (humpback whales) are one of the larger species of ba-  other laws protect whales from hunting, harm and disturbances.
   K leen whales, with adult males ranging between 40 and 52 feet   In 1992, the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine
    and weighing up to 45 tons. Despite their size, humpback whales   Sanctuary was established to protect humpback whales and their
    are surprisingly graceful acrobats.  The warm shallow waters   habitat in Hawaii through education, outreach, research and
    (less than 600 feet) surrounding the main Hawaiian Islands are a   resource management activities including entanglement rescue
    favorite destination for humpback whales. Scientists estimate that   efforts. The sanctuary extends from the shoreline to the 600-foot
    two-thirds of the entire North Pacific humpback whale population   depth around the main islands. The Hawaiian Islands Humpback
    returns to Hawaii to breed, calve and nurse their young. They race   Whale National Marine Sanctuary (NMS) is jointly managed by the
    over 3,000 miles from the Gulf of Alaska to Hawaii in less than two   National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the
    months.                                                  State of Hawaii.

     n Hawaii, the return of the kohola is considered more of a   awaii’s approximately 40 species of sharks are each unique in
   I homecoming than a visit. Humpback calves are born in Hawai- H their own way. There’s no mistaking a whale or hammerhead
    ian waters. Some Native Hawaiians also believe the kohola are   shark, and the characteristic blunt nose and dorsal stripes of a
    aumakua (family guardians), and so these gentle giants are treated  tiger shark make it fairly easy to recognize.  Many of the more
    with great respect. Although humpbacks can be spotted across all   common inshore sharks, especially those of the family Carcharhini-
    of the Hawaiian Islands, one of the best viewing spots in the world   dae, are hard to distinguish from each other. But most have some
    is the shallow Auau Channel between West Maui (Lahaina and   kind of characteristic, often in the form of color patterns, that
    Kaanapali), Lanai and Molokai. Whale watching tours may be the   help in identification. About eight species are somewhat common
    best option to view whales up close.  In respect for the kohola and   in nearshore waters. The most frequently encountered are the
    the safety of sightseers, all watercraft must stay a minimum of 100   whitetip reef, sandbar, scalloped hammerhead, and tiger sharks.
    yards from the whales, but you’ll be surprised how close you feel   These inshore species are top-level carnivores, feeding primariy
    when a 45-ton behemoth lunges out of the sea.            on fishes. Their roles in reef ecosystems are not fully understood,
                                                             though they may keep fish population sizes in check, and remove
        nce plentiful, decades of whaling depleted the numbers of   sick and injured fish, leaving the healthiest to survive and repro-
    O humpback whales. Today, the Endangered Species Act and   duce.
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