Page 61 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 61

here are various accounts of the earliest  as historically accurate, one account stated   the Royal Hawaiian Navy, former officers of
    T history of the flag of Hawaii. One re-  that in order to placate American interests   the British Royal Navy, who advised Kame-
    lates how King Kamehameha I flew a British   during the War of 1812, a flag of the United   hameha, based on a form of the British
    flag, probably a Red Ensign, given to him by  States was raised over Kamehameha’s   naval flag. There is debate as to the actual
    British explorer Captain George Vancouver   home, only to be removed when British of-  designer: some credit Alexander Adams,
    as a token of friendship with King George   ficers in the court of Kamehameha vehe-  others George Beckley. It was very similar
    III. Subsequent visitors reported seeing the   mently objected to it. This explains why the  to the flag of the British East India Company
    flag flying from places of honor. An adviser   resulting flag of Hawaii was a deliberate   in use about this time which had only red
    to Kamehameha noted that the Union    hybrid of the two nations’ flags.      and white stripes. Captain Adams used this
    Flag could draw Hawaii into international                                    flag for the first time on a Hawaiian trade
    conflict, as his kingdom could be seen   n 1816, Kamehameha commissioned his   mission to China in 1817.
    as an ally of the United Kingdom, and he  I own flag to avoid this conflict, which has
    subsequently lowered the Union Flag over   evolved into the current flag. It was prob-
    his home at Kamakahonu. While disputed   ably designed by one of the commanders of
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