Page 65 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 65

3D Coral Reef Aquarium

      ke Willis narrates this film with his deep   both man and nature. Ike discusses global   DIRECTED BY
    I and rich voice. 3D Coral Reef Aquarium   warming, pollution, ocean acidification and   Dean Homayouni
    was recognizd in two categories by the Blue   other natural dangers. 10 minute segment   PRODUCED BY
    Ocean film Festival and was a finanlist in the   at the end that identifies coral, sponges and   3D Action Video Inc.
    the category for 3D.  Ike explores through   sea life accompanied with music by Ike!!!.   FORMAT AVAILABLE
    scene after scenein a true 3D “Out of the                                     Blu-ray 2D and 3D
    Box” experience. The coral reef will appear   CAMERA AND POST PRODUCTION      HD stream - Video on Demand
    as if you are actually scuba diving. This hour   Dean Homayouni               Click on the movie poster TITLE for more
    long movie covers many scientific subjects   MUSIC and VOICEOVER              information
    and dangers coral reefs currently face form   Ike Willis

       3D Riviera Maya and the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef

        he Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System,   coral, 350 species of mollusk and more   3D Action Video Inc.
    Talso popularly known as the Great Ma-  than 500 species of fish.  Ike takes you
    yan  Reef  or  Great  Maya  Reef,  is  a  marine   on a magical tour of this famous reef sys-  MUSIC AND VOICEOVER (ENGLISH)
    region that stretches over 1000 km from   tem, Playa del Carmen, Cozumel, Mayan   Ike Willis
    Isla Contoy at the tip of the Yucatán Pen-  Ruins and Cenotes in this 2 hour movie.  FORMAT AVAILABLE
    insula down to Belize, Guatemala and the                                      Blu-ray 2D and 3D
    Bay Islands of Honduras. It begins near Isla   CAMERA                         HD stream - Video on Demand
    Contoy on the northern tip of the  Yuca-  Dean Homayuni, Marcus Fleischmann, Pato   English and Spanish versions
    tán Peninsula and continues south along-  Pugmann                             Click on the movie poster TITLE for more
    side the Riviera Maya including Cozumel   DIRECTED BY                         information
    and Banco Chinchorro.  The  reef system   Dean Homayouni
    is home to more than 65 species of stony   PRODUCED BY
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