Page 67 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 67
History of Hawaii: Kapu, Human Sacrifice and Cannibalism
uring the 11th century, warlike Tahi- ed at the lack of respect the Hawaiian Ali’i Worship of Ku demanded human sacri-
D tians arrived in the Hawai’ian Islands, commanded and at the apparent weak- fice, which was performed at luakini heiau
conquering, enslaving, sacrificing and ness of the Hawaiian gods. He sent back to throughout the parts of Polynesia where Ku
largely displacing the descendants of the Tahiti for the warrior chief Pili and together was venerated. Pa’ao caused Mo’okini Heiau
original Marquesan settlers. Into this bloody they brought worship of the powerful war to be constructed on the site of a previous,
landscape came Pa’ao, the terrible and god Ku to Hawaii and strengthened the smaller heiau, of stones passed hand over
powerful Tahitian kahuna who was affront- kapu system of laws and power of the Ali’i. hand from Pololu Valley.