Page 72 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 72

Polynesian Migration

     Polynesians likely originated from the Lapita people, who originated in Melanesia, the region
     north of Australia....

        he origin of Polynesians, an isolated   present themselves for speculation. On an isolat-  Solomon Islands, and New Caledonia. Archae-
    T population spanning hundreds of miles of   ed island with limited resources, it is not difficult   ology suggests that the migration eastward
    ocean and islands, has long been regarded as   to imagine that overpopulation would occasion-  occurred in roughly two waves. The first wave
    an interesting puzzle in human migration pat-  ally occur and encourage portions of the society   occurred in the Bismarck Archipelago,
    terns. Today, however, strong linguistic, cultural,   to migrate. Because islands have finite resources,  Samoa and Tonga from 1600–1200 BC, and
    and archaeological evidence from research in   changes in marine ecosystems or weather could   the second occurring later and spread-
    both the physical and social sciences points to   easily impact food supplies and place strain on a   ing to the outer reaches of the Polynesian
    colonization originating in Southeast Asia or In-  growing society. Additionally, Polynesian society   Triangle, bordered by Hawaii, Easter Island
    donesia. Despite predominant easterly winds in   was highly stratified, and territory was divided   and New Zealand. While these islands are
    the subtropical Pacific, Polynesian navigational   between ari’i, or noble families. The reasons   separated by thousands of miles of open
    skills and the aid of cyclic or seasonal changes in   that Pacific peoples dispersed from west to east   ocean, Pacific islanders’ methods of sailing
    the winds and currents enabled dispersal from   may never be known, given the complexity of   and navigation were likely well-developed
    the western Pacific to islands as distant as Easter   human decision making; there were probably a   and quite accurate. Polynesians have been
    Island and Hawaii. However, there is evidence of   host of factors involved, including a limitation of   described as “the great premodern seafar-
    trade and contact among disparate Pacific Island  resources but also including various other socio-  ers” who used “sails and sophisticated navi-
    societies, and it is possible that Polynesians may   emotional reasons.      gation techniques. Nearly every inhabitable
    have come in contact with those to both their                                island was occupied by AD 1000.
    east and west.                            olynesians likely originated from the Lapita
                                          Ppeople, who originated in Melanesia, the re-
          hile motives for prehistoric migration can-  gion north of Australia that includes the modern
    Wnot be known, a number of possibilities   countries of Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Vanuatu, the
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