Page 68 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 68

uring this process, if a stone were   ants of these people to come to grips with   religious worship were introduced and un-
    D dropped it was left where it lay to   and one which is best simply accepted and   told thousands of people were sacrificed at
    preserve the rhythm of passing; the scat-  not commented or speculated upon. There   Mo’okini to worship a new god, the war god
    tered line of dropped stones can be followed   is no counting the tens of thousands of   Kuka’ilimoku (also called “Ku”). Born nearby
    all the way back to Pololu to this day. The   Hawaiians who were made sacrifice here on   at Kapakai Kokoiki Heiau in about the year
    alter stones were brought by war canoe   this stone at barren, terrible Mo’okini over   1758, Kamehameha the Great was brought to
    from Pa’ao’s home heiau of Taputapuatea (lit.   the centuries, but the sacrificial victims were   Mo’okini for his birth rituals.
    sacrifices from abroad), the most powerful   all gathered by a class of kahuna called the
    and most feared heiau in Polynesia and the   Mu, or “body catcher”; the foundation of the   ong-foretold was the coming of a warrior
    center of Ku worship. Boulders for corner-  dwelling of the Mu can still be found among  L king who would unite all the islands into
    stones brought hundreds of miles across the   the ruins of Mo’okini.         a single kingdom and who would rule wisely,
    sea from Taputapuatea were laid with human                                   piously and long. Prophecy and legend held
    sacrifices Beneath and gave a formidable   t, is believed that Holoholoku Heiau was   that this Ali’i would be terrible in his fierce-
    power and the air of menace and despair that I used for human sacrifice in ancient Hawaii,   ness, unstoppable in his strength, just in his
    clings to it to the site to this day. Outside the   mainly prisoners of war. Others who were   laws and faithful in his observances to the
    heiau walls can be found a large phallic rock   killed here were those who had broken a   gods. The prophecy continued that the ruler
    and a flat stone with a cup-like depression   kapu (who had done something that was   would be born along the wild northern coast
    near the top. Here, on this holehole stone,   forbidden, such as walking in the shadow of   of Hawai’i, the most sacred of the Hawai’ian
    the baked bodies of human sacrifices were   a chief ). The heiau is located right next to   islands. This ruler would, according to the
    stripped of flesh and the bones saved to be   the Royal Birthstone (Pohaku Ho’ohanau),   prophecy, wield power of proportion un-
    rendered into fishhooks and dagger blades.   the sacred site of royal births on the islan. It   known to previous Hawai’ian Ali’i, but for all
    Not much mention of the fate of the human   was here in North Kohala, at Mo’okini Heiau,   this destined greatness, he was prophesied
    flesh from these sacrifices is made, but it is   that a new religion was born. Passionate   to live a lonely life.
    universally documented that Polynesians   priests and princes from Tahiti reconstituted
    everywhere were cannibals. This is a topic   and revived the laws and society of Hawaii in
    that is very difficult for the modern descend-  the 11 and 12th centuries. New practices of
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