Page 95 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 95

HAWAII VOLCANOES NATIONAL PARK  Encompassing 333,000  volcanoes block the northeast  tradewinds to provide year-round
     acres from sea level to the 13,679-foot summit of Mauna Loa, Ha-  fishing in calm blue seas with deep ocean waters located close to
     waii Volcanoes National Park has the world’s largest and most active  the shoreline.  Fishing begins just moments after leaving the harbor.
     volcanoes.  Kilauea is an erupting volcano with glowing molten lava  Kona is the one place in the world where novice to expert anglers
     flowing to the sea, where steam has exploded out of the crashing  are most likely to catch the fish of a lifetime.  Exclusive or share boat
     waves continuously since 1983.  The grayish shading on side 1 of  charters are available for half- day to full-day trips.  The following
     this map shows the extent of lava flows from Mauna Loa and Kilu-  charter boat operators will provide a safe high quality fishing experi-
     aea over the last 200 years, and the yellow and orange shadings on  ence:
     the Kilauea detail on side 2 indicate the eruptions of just the last
     few years.  You can drive through the park and get a glimpse of the  Capt. Pete Hoogs or Capt. Teddy Hoogs on the 38-foot “Pamela”
     fresh, black lava fields, fuming steam, scenic crater vistas, and short  (808) 936-4970
     hikes.  However, it really takes days to explore the park well.  See-
     ing a real lava flow may be a hike of several hours, safe conditions  Capt. Kevin Nakamaru on the 37-foot “Northern Lights”  (808) 960-
     permitting.  The shortest, easiest and safest exploration begins at the  1549
     Kilauea Visitor Center at Park Headquarters.  Then tour the Volcano
     Art Center & Museum, the Hawaiian Volcano Observatrory, the Jag-  Capt. Scott Fuller on the 50-foot “Tara”  (808) 960-5000
     gar Museum, and the world famous Volcano House.  Refer to details
     of Kilauea Volcano with its trails and sights on side 2 of this map.  Capt. Tim Hicks on the 39-foot “Illusions”  (808) 960-7371

     MAUNA LOA TRAIL  Extremely challenging 7.5-mile hike from  Capt. Gene Vanderhock on the 39 foot “Sea Genie II”  (808) 325-
     the lookout to a cabin at Red Hill, 10,035 feet high, and then 12 miles  5355
     more to the primitive Mauna Loa summit cabin, where the sub-arc-
     tic climate can make you freeze, and snowy whiteouts happen all  Capt. Jeff Fay on the 37-foot “Humdinger”  (808) 936-3034
     year.  The round trip is a 4-day ordeal with registration at the visi-

     tor center required.  The trail begins where Mauna Loa Road ends.  Capt. Marlin Parker on the 43-foot “Marlin Magic”, or the 54-foot
     (808) 985-6000.                                          “Marlin Magic II” (808) 960-1713

     LAVA TREES  In 1790 a lava flow rolled through the forest here leav-  Note:  You may be calling the skipper at sea on a cell phone.  If the
     ing some strange tree molds.                             boat is hooked up he will call you back.

     BIG GAME FISHING  The largest charter boat fishing fleet in Hawaii
     is located in Kailua-Kona at Honokohau Harbor.  Hawaii’s massive
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