Page 96 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 96
KOHALA COAST GRAFFITI Visitors use sun-bleached white coral
TWILIGHT AT KALAHUIPUA’A At 5:30pm on every Saturday to create messages that reflect the “Aloha Spirit” on the black lava
before the full moon at the Mauna Lani Resort, the family-style Ha- along the roadside north of the airport.
waiian culture of a previous era is celebrated with song, dance and
“talk story”. (808) 885-6622. ELLISON S. ONIZUKA SPACE CENTER This museum at Kona
International Airport is named for the Hawaii-born astronaut who
ANCIENT HAWAIIAN FISH PONDS Polynesian aquaculturists perished with 6 others aboard the Space Shuttle Challenger in 1984.
built shoreline ponds to harvest fish. Excellent examples are at the ATLANTIS SUBMARINE TOUR View coral reefs and marine life
Marriott Waikoloa Hotel. aboard a real submarine that descends to a depth of 100 feet (30m)
right in Kailua Bay. For reservations call (808) 329-6626.
DOLPHIN ENCOUNTER Dolphins are everywhere in Hawaiian
waters. An up-close encounter can be enjoyed at Dolphin Quest CIRCLE ISLAND TOUR All-day guided tours in luxury motor-
(808) 886-2875, a marine research and education center at the Hil- coaches and mini buses are available in both English and Japanese.
ton Waikoloa Village. Contact Jack’s Tours (808) 961-6666.
KOHALA COAST PETROGLYPHS Hawaii’s petroglyphs are mes- OCEAN SPORTS ADVENTURES Catamaran tours, snorkeling
sages from antiquity. They appear at 135 sites on six islands, but most adventures, whale watching, kayak excursions, scuba dive trips and
are on the Big Island. The 233-acre Puako Petroglyph Archaeologi- sunset sails are available. Contact a local activity center or any ocean
cal District, above the Mauna Lani Resort, has the largest concentra- sports center or dive shop for reservations.
tion of these stone etchings. Along the 1.5-mile Malama Trail you’ll
find 3000 designs, including dogs, turtles, chickens, families, pad- HULIHE’E PALACE The Daughters of Hawaii invite you to a histor-
dlers, marchers and dancers. The King’s Shop at the Waikoloa Beach ical Hawaiian palace. This former summer retreat for island royalty
Resort, gives a free petroglyphs tour. (808) 886-8811. At the Kona is now is home to the personal possessions of Hawaiian monarchs.
Village Resort visitors, including those in wheelchairs, can explore It was built in 1838 and remodeled in the 1890s by King Kalakaua.
the Kaupulehu Petroglyphs, and have a guided tour to the finest im-
ages in Hawaii. (808) 325-5555. Please, do not touch! PLACE OF REFUGE Historically, Puuhonua o Honaunau was a
place of refuge for defeated warriors or people accused of breaking
NATURAL ENERGY LAB The Hawaii Ocean Science & Technol- a Kapu (Hawaiian law). It is one of The Big Island’s favorite visitor
ogy Center utilizes Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) to sites. It is a wonderful spot for a picnic and to reflect on Hawaii’s
generate electricity and fresh water from the sea. Franko worked on history. When visiting, please do so with respect, because this ex-
the original OTEC project here in 1980. traordinary site is sacred.