Page 131 - Melanesia
P. 131
R enovated in recent years by geologist and Savusavu resident this land has been subdivided and sold, often to expats seeking a
Geoff Taylor, it now houses the Savusavu Yacht Club. Fiji Air retirement or holiday home. As a result, Savusavu is now home to
offices, Fiji Link reservations (Formerly Sun Air) offices, a chandlery a small but significant community of Americans, Australians, New
shop, a geologist’s office, a gift shop, travel agency and two rental Zealanders and Europeans which has helped fuel its economic
apartments. There are also moorings for yachts, along with shower development.
and toilet facilities. C athedral - Nudibranchs, flatworms, sea turtles and more, but
the highlight of this Koro Sun side of Savusavu dive site is the
S avusavu was originally established as a trading center for san- lobster-filled cavern.
dalwood, beche-de-mer and copra, and is the site of a major
copra mill. Tourism is growing in importance, owing to its scuba
diving and yachting facilities. Savusavu hosts a number of resorts, D ream House - World famous in Fiji this is a pelagic dive on the
some of which have interesting specialities. Namale Resort hosts KoroSun side of Savusavu where you’ll encounter scalloped
regular seminars in the Tony Robbins Life Mastery programme; hammerhead, grey reef sharks, whitetip sharks, barracuda, batfish,
the Jean Michel Cousteau Resort is one of the few 5 star resorts to surgeon fish, unicorn fish, tuna, scorpionfish, anemone fish and
offer a children’s camp; Daku Resort runs a programme of learn- shrimp on sea anemones.
ing holidays in art, yoga, singing snorkeling and birdwatching
throughout the year. The birdwatching tour visits the rare silktail D ungeons and Dragons - Some rate this cavern and swim thru
which is only found in the island of Vanua Levu, in a habitat about dive on the KoroSun side of Savusavu as a highlight in their
an hour and a half from Savusavu. The silktail is one of the species
listed by Birdlife International as being under threat. Most land in dive experiences. Shrimp, gobi, clams, wrasse and soft coral in
Fiji is owned by native land owners – the mataqali (extended fam- abundance and a myriad of swim throughs.
ily unit).
S avusavu and surrounding areas has a large amount of freehold
land, much of it once used as coconut plantations. Increasingly