Page 135 - Melanesia
P. 135
Taveuni - Soft Coral Capital
T aveuni - Taveuni offers great diving on the famous Rainbow separated from Vanua Levu by the Somosomo Strait, rich in world
Reef, which lies in the Somosomo strait and has great soft cor- class dive sites. Here you can dive the amazing Rainbow Reef, The
als and lots of reef sharks like whitetip reef sharks, gray reef sharks Great White Wall, The Purple Wall, The Ledge, The Zoo, The Fish
and nurse sharks. There can be currents, so it’s not necessarily for Factory and countless others. All these spots are a pleasant 10-30
beginners. However, the soft corals look their best in the currents. minute boat ride from your resort. Over the years, the nutrient rich
Taveuni is the third-largest of the Fiji’s 300 Fiji islands after Viti Levu waters powered by the strong currents of the Somosomo Strait
and Vanua Levu. Its fertile soils gave rise to the name the “Garden have combined and made Taveuni one of the soft coral capitals of
Island”. Taveuni actually straddles the 180 degree meridian and is the world.