Page 365 - Melanesia
P. 365


E FATE ISLAND is the most populous island          During World War II, Efate served an impor-  nually by air transport, cruise ships and the
     in Vanuatu with an estimate population        tant role as a United States military base.  yachting community. Due to the British and
of 66,000. Efate’s land area of 899.5 square       On March 13, 2015, Port Vila bore extensive  French influence both cuisines are readily
kilometers (347.3 square miles) makes it Va-       damage from Cyclone Pam. The capital of      available in the capital. Budget dining in-
nuatu’s third largest island. Most inhabitants     Port Vila is the hub of tourism in Vanuatu   clude the scattered Chinese eateries across
of Efate live in Port Vila, the national capital.  receiving approximately 60 000 tourists an-  Vila and the Mummas Market downtown.
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