Page 38 - Melanesia
P. 38

eads of the enemies were shattered          from that environmental change. While no       been “washed” in blood.
                                                   one knows why the people in Fiji took to
H against a club or stone. “On taking              eating each other; they became famous for      T he arrival of missionaries started the
                                                   it, and up to the time the practice stopped         decline of the practices of human
a particularly notorious enemy, a chief            in the late 19th century Fiji was literally    sacrifice and cannibalism. But its cessation
might decide to keep him all for himself in        dripping in blood. These were vicious and      took some time and was dependent upon
supreme sacrifice to the war god, the body         gruesome times, not only were people           gaining the support of the major chiefs
being cut up and only lightly cooked then          killed to be eaten, they were also killed for  who often saw their role as being guardians
preserved by daily light cooking until it had      religious and ceremonial reasons. Human        of traditional customs. No doubt revenge
been entirely consumed. “ This was done            sacrifice was common. For example when         , maintaining authority and instilling fear
more in vengeance than to gain the mana            an important bure, such as a chief ’s house    amongst enemies and potential usurp-
or spiritual virtue of the slain, for the Fijians  or temple was being built human sacrifices     ers were also motives. There are many
did not generally believe that this could be       could occur at various stages of building      examples recorded by the missionaries of
absorbed by eating the body.”                      such as the felling of the trees, the tying    cannibal practices. People to be eaten were
                                                   of the first rafters and upon completion of    called “bokola” and were most often killed
A rchaeological research has shown                 the building. When a new canoe’s keel was      by being clubbed or by having their heads
       that while Fiji has been occupied for       laid down people were to be sacrificed and     bashed against a rock used specifically for
slightly more than 3000 years cannibalism          at the time of lunching it would be rolled     the purpose. They cut up, using pieces of
probably started around 700 years ago. It          over human bodies to the sea. People were      sharp bamboo; the pieces were baked in
start followed a fall in sea level of around       killed upon the raising and lowering of its    earth ovens, or boiled or grilled. They could
80 cm which caused a large amount of               mast for the first time and on each stop of    also be cooked whole, sometimes being
reef areas to die off. Food from these reef        its maiden voyage. If the canoe was given      put into the oven while still alive. At other
areas would have been providing the major          as a present it was expected the recipient     times the unlucky victim could be cut up
part of Fijian people’s protein. At the same       would make a return voyage bringing a          piece-by-piece while still alive before being
time the first hill forts appeared as peo-         dead body (or bodies) laid upon the deck,      cooked and eaten.
ple moved inland from the coastal areas.           at which point the deck was said to have
It seems that warfare over the declining
resources and cannibal practices developed
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