Page 39 - Melanesia
P. 39

ne of the most influential chiefs lead-  through their tongues to pull them out as    Statutory Body with a Board of Trustees. Lo-
                                                far as possible when they were cut off and   cal residents presented pieces and collec-
O ing up to the cessation of cannibal-                                                       tions to the Town Board and artifacts were
ism was Ratu Seru Cakobau from Bau in           roasted and eaten in front of them. Still    purchased by the Trustees. The collection
                                                                                             was moved to a variety of venues until the
eastern Viti Levu. In one instance of warfare alive they were finally dispatched by being    government was persuaded by the Trustees
                                                                                             to build a National Museum. The current
he captured a town and 100 bodies were          disemboweled. Ratu George Cakabau ac-        museum was opened in 1955 by the Gover-
                                                                                             nor of Fiji, Sir Ronald Garvey. This building
taken to Bau to be cooked. They were made cepted Christianity in 1854 and this put in        was used to house the displays, reserve
                                                                                             collection and provide storage. Today the
to dig the holes and cut the firewood for       end to widely practiced cannibalism and      building has two adjoining sections, the
                                                                                             first constructed in 1972 and the second in
the earth ovens in which they were to be tribal warfare.                                     1978.

cooked. Then they were required to wash         I n 1908 the Fijian Society was formed with
themselves and make cups from banana               the specific aim of researching and pre-
leaves. A vein was opened in each of them

to fill the cups with their blood which was serving the country’s history and culture.

drunk in front of them. They then had their The formation of a museum was included

arms and legs cut off and cooked and eaten in this aim. With the passing of the Fiji

in front of them, some being presented          Museum Ordinance in 1929, the museum

to them to eat. Fishhooks were then put         was formally inaugurated as a Government
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