Page 386 - Melanesia
P. 386

• Drop-offs reaching 114 meters in depth                                       Maximum Depth of 20 meters.
• Reef Bommie dives
• Wreck dives                                                                  OWENS REEF: A figure eight reef from 1 meter down to 20 meters – It has
• Cave and thermal vent dives                                                  been said that there is a greater diversity of species of coral and fish on this
• Drift dives                                                                  small reef than many other dive sites. A good dive for everyone – includes
• Night dives & shore dives                                                    swim through coral and gorgonian overhangs and lots of fish. Many divers
                                                                               do repeat dives on this reef. Cool site, Clown fish and Swim throughs.
BOTTLE FISH CAVE: An interesting and very popular dive site with large fish
and scattered remnants of Coca-Cola bottles, plates and mugs from the          PAUL’S ROCK: is a rough oval shape reef that has a number of swim
tugboats which used to maintain the anti-submarine nets during the war.        through and drop off wall on one end. Many tame fish exists on this reef,
Large grouper and wrasse are often seen here. There are several thermal        as it is a “Taboo Reef” for custom native owners. Fish feeding is part of the
vents with hot water.                                                          dive and usually you can see coral Trout, Trevally and lots of Surgeonfish
                                                                               throughout the dive. Coral cover is good and generally there is a turtle or
MOSO DRIFT DIVE: A drift dive, sometimes quite strong – lots and lots of       two around the reef. Max Depth: 35ms.
fish – large pelagic and a more than likely possibility of Sharks, Barracuda,
Grey Whalers, Eagle Rays and other interesting marine life. Max Depth:         HAT ISLAND: includes several dive sites known for spectacular diving with
20m. Drift Dive needs to be timed with tides. Very fast drift dive from 10     clear water and the chance to see some of the big Pelagics. Some dives are
meters depth. Abundance of fish life.                                          subject to weather conditions

M.V BELAMA WRECK: An island freighter of around 200 tons, which was            • The Taj Mahal (cave) and wall dive. – 18 Meters.
badly damaged in a cyclone, scuttled close to Owens reef- a dive able          • The Gorgonian Fan Circuit 5 – 30 meters.
wreck where you can swim through the cabins and around the passage-            • Acrapora Reef and drop-off
ways then across the bow section a few meters away from the bulk of the        • Hat Island Safari – a trek through gutters and bommies
ship. Great introduction to wreck diving without having to go too deep.
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