Page 391 - Melanesia
P. 391
ysterious water holes of the most amaz- the surface through layers of limestone and coral
producing water of jewel quality blue.
Ming blue are connected by underground
BLOSSON BAY: With small crevices and swim
caverns. Reef systems of colorful corals teem throughs this dive site is a fantastic choice as a
with a variety of spectacular marine life and the second dive as time can be spent in the shallows.
rainforests are home to numerous jungle birds, This dive is great for beginners and inexperi-
a diverse range of butterflies and beautiful wild enced divers, along with experienced divers
orchids. In the north lies Vanuatu’s first National looking for an easy and stunning dive. With mini-
Park, Vathe Conservation Area. The low lying mal current, located in the stunning Blossom Bay,
islands of Malo, Aore, Tutuba and Bokissa are which is sheltered from the easterly winds. Max
largely covered in coconut palms and rainforest. depth of 15 -18 meters, which allows for stun-
There are excellent diving and snorkeling spots ning coral colors of all shapes and sizes, along
around all of the islands. with various size and different fish life. Visibility
ranging from 15 meters -30 meters.
Other popular dive sites on Santo include
“Million dollar point” (where the Americans BOKISSA NORTH REEF: off the small island of
threw all their equipment and machinery into Bokissa. Espiritu Santo offers brilliant coral div-
the sea at the end of WW11), and the wreck ing and reef shark and small abundant colorful
of the “Tucker” off Malo Island. There are also reef fish. The yellow and blue staghorn coral are
spectacular reef dives with large coral gardens, abundant at the Bokissa North Reef dive location.
bombie heads, turtles, manta rays, reef sharks
and caves to explore. For snorkelers, there is also
plenty to see in Santo’s many blue holes, lagoons
and inshore reefs. The blue holes are a natural
wonder where crystal clear fresh water comes to