Page 393 - Melanesia
P. 393

CHAILS REEF: This reef is located on the       CORAL GARDEN: A colorful range of hard           the shallows. Nice and easy dive, full of life,
northern edge of Tutuba Island extend-         and soft corals grace the 4 meter (14 feet)      this reef extends from an Island with depth
ing from 8m-21m with awesome visibility        safety stop. As deco times are often long,       ranging from 5 meters -25 meters and vis-
ranging from 15m-40m+. This reef offers all    this makes those minutes tick by quickly.        ibility varying from 20 meters -30 meters.
different types of coral, including bombies    It’s also a great place for an introductory
that loom up in the shallower water with       dive. In this great habitat, fish life flour-    MALMAL POINT: This exceptional reef dive
clown fish playing in the anemones, and in     ishes with lion fish, leaf fish, butterfly       on the point of an uninhabited tropical
the deeper water there are clumps of stag      fish, anemone fish, damsel fish, angel fish,     island is known for the schools of big eye
horn coral with brilliant colors. Brain coral  sweet lips, cardinals, groupers, squirrel fish,  Trevally that can be found here as well as
are also feature a lot on this reef. Chances   ghost pipe fish, trumpet fish, gobies living     schools of giant Trevallies, Dog Tooth Tuna
of seeing resident Turtles and passing Bar-    harmoniously with dozer shrimps. Mantis          and barracudas. In the shallows you can
racudas are high.                              shrimps and moray eels are also found at         cruise around swim throughs and small
                                               the garden.                                      caves filled with lobsters and macro life, or
CINDY’S REEF: Cindy’s Reef sits just off the                                                    head a little deeper to the edge of the reef
eastern point off Aore Island directly south   DECKY’S POINT: Right on the edge of a            where the wall starts around 25m and see
of the SS President Coolidge. This is a bril-  30m drop off this reef boasts a spectacu-        all types of reef sharks that might be curi-
liant reef with beautiful colors and a high    lar variety of coral of all colors, the world    ous enough to let you capture their beauty
variety of fish life. Zebra/Leopard sharks     is macro on Decky’s Point. Angel fish and        on camera This dive is 10 meters – 25 me-
can be seen here on occasion. Nice and         schools of Hump Head Parrotfish will follow      ters deep with an expansive variety of coral
easy diving with good visibility Cindy’s Reef  you around. Reef Sharks can be spotted as        and fish life. Visibility normally range from
is an excellent choice for a dive.             well as the occasional Turtle, Barracuda and     20 meters – 40 meters.
                                               Dog Tooth Tuna also find their way up from
                                               the depths to give you a passing glance.
                                               Soft coral are full of life and movement in
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