Page 398 - Melanesia
P. 398

SUBMARINE NETS (Shore Dive): Located            TUKUTUKU CAVERNS: A large dive site with        their business. Occasionally you see eagle
North-east of Coral Quays Resort’s jetty are    many caverns, swim throughs and lace cor-       rays and reef sharks. This dive is a brilliant
the remains of WWII submarine nets placed       als. Appropriate for all skill levels it would  opportunity to see some of the untouched
by the American troops to protect Lugan-        take 2-3 dives to see all the caverns. 25 min-  reefs that surround the island of Santo. Max
ville from the Japanese mini Sub threat.        utes from Vaughani Shores, this is a particu-   Depth: 25 meters.
Mini subs no longer being a threat, these       larly popular night dive site.
steel nets have collapsed and over the past                                                     USS TUCKER: Once a US destroyer, the USS
70 years have turned into an abundant arti-     TUTUBA POINT: A spectacular reef with           Tucker sank in 1942 after, she was split in
ficial reef. A very interesting dive.           both hard and soft corals, caves, swim-         two by the American mine she hit in the
                                                throughs and the most beautiful marine          Segond Channel. After the hit, the boilers,
TUI TWAITE (MARINE TUG): is a tug boat          life. This stunning reef is on the eastern      condensers and gearboxes bridging the
hero in the historic Wahenni ferry incident     point of Tutuba Island located at the           two sections broke apart, stretching out for
in New Zealand. She found herself in Santo      eastern entrance into the Saigon Channel        over 100 meters. This dive has a number of
pumping fuel and oil out of the sunken          and having anywhere from 20 meters – 40         interesting swim-throughs, an abundance
President Coolidge, following a leak that       meters visibility. This beautiful reef extends  of portholes and open bulkheads provide
could have been an ecological disaster for      along the coastline of the island. There are    plenty of light. There are some spectacular
Luganville and the Segond Canal. She is         magnificent plate coral fields, there is a      finds in colorful corals and sponges grow-
40m long and now rests up right in the mid-     seemingly endless variety of soft and hard      ing on gun turrets and mounts. Coral trout,
dle of Segond Canal straight off a jetty. This  corals. There are swim throughs, gloomy         cod, sweet lip, angle fish and batfish are
is a fantastic dive for the experienced diver   trenches and caves in which if you are lucky    regularly seen in the area and visibility is
looking for something a bit different than      you can spot lobsters guarding their homes.     normally about 40 - 50 meters. Max depth:
the Coolidge.                                   Above you see schools of tropical fish and      20 meters.
                                                barracudas cruising around going about
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