Page 460 - Melanesia
P. 460

The gardens of the National Art Gallery are    MARY’S ISLAND: is a popular site with plen-     UEPI ISLAND: The diving around Uepi Island
popular, while the reconstructed Govern-       tiful reef sharks and big schools of jacks      mainly consists of a combination of coral
ment House and the National Museum             and barracuda. Big bumphead parrotfish          gardens and magnificent drop-offs. There
are worth visiting. The spectacular Tenaru     are commonly seen here and you may see          are a multitude of dive sites available rang-
falls can be found a one hour’s drive and a    an occasional napoleon wrasse or tuna.          ing from the beautiful reef eco-system, to
three-hour hike from Henderson Interna-        Typically, an entire day of diving is done      the wreck of a P38 fighter plane just 1 hour
tional Airport. During World War II, Gua-      here. This is the main place for “big stuff” -  from the resort. Most dives range from
dalcanal came to international attention as    definitely a wide-angle site.                   15-30 meters - from here you can spot the
the stage for one of the bloodiest battles of                                                  resident sharks and an enormous diversity
the Pacific campaign. Bitter fighting raged    MUNDA: About an hour’s flight from Ho-          of reef fish. A favorite dive site is Kicha,
between American and Japanese forces           niara, on the west side of New Georgia,         which is known for lots of reef sharks, big
for six months on Guadalcanal Island until     offers spectacular walls, caverns, and coral    schools of friendly spadefish, barracuda,
the Japanese withdrew early in 1943. Now       gardens, as well as numerous WWII plane         and a beautiful reef covered in hard and
many war wrecks and relics can be seen on      wrecks.                                         soft corals.
both land and underwater. These include
ships, aircraft, guns, cannons and tanks. The  RUSSELL ISLANDS: The Russell Islands lie        WESTERN PROVINCE/GIZO: The provincial
waters around Honiara, where the Battle of     between Honiara and Western Province. The       capital, Gizo, is roughly a 90 minute flight
Guadalcanal took place in November 1942,       highlight would have to be the caves there      from Honiara, and offers a good mix of
are now littered with so many wrecks and       - not scary enclosed caves, but shallow         healthy reefs, wrecks, and diverse marine
war debris they have become known as           caves that are really just cuts in the reef,    life. It’s also a great example of a sleepy
“Iron Bottom Sound”.                           with gorgeous big shafts of light, and you      South Pacific island community, with
                                               can look up into the jungle canopy above.       several small resorts, a handful of shops
MAROVO LAGOON: Located on the east side        Leru Cut, Custom Cave, and Mirror Pond are      and restaurants, and an open-air market.
of New Georgia Island, Marovo Lagoon is        three well known sites.                         Like the rest of the Solomons, this region
the world’s biggest saltwater lagoon. Uepi                                                     is steeped in WWII history, including the
lies on the edge of it, and is home to the                                                     island where John F. Kennedy and crew met
highly regarded                                                                                a Japanese torpedo aboard PT-109.
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