Page 455 - Melanesia
P. 455


S olomon Islands has some of the most             of nudibranchs, pygmy seahorse, ghost            to beat. After WWII, the water in between
     pristine dive sites in the world. Un-        pipefish and more. The reef is covered in        the Florida Islands (Tulagi) and Guadalcanal
spoiled and undiscovered, our remote              a variety of hard corals home to mandarin        was renamed to Iron Bottom Sound due
location means there are not many divers to       fish, eels and masses of reef fish. Many of the  to the 200 ships, 690 air crafts and count-
put pressure on the reef and fish. The islands    islands are surrounded by deep walls which       less landing barges that sunk there during
have caverns, reefs, large sea fans, soft corals  allow divers to interact with schools of pe-     those many months of battle. Wreck diving
and lots of macro including a huge diversity      lagics. The diversity of the Solomon’s is hard   abounds.
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